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          SECTION 9.5                                                                 3D Artwork

          For render modes that add a level of transparency to the rendering, the O entry
          specifies the additional opacity to be used. All such transparency effects use a
          standard additive blend mode.

          The CV entry sets the crease value that is used when determining silhouette edg-
          es, which can be used to adjust the appearance of illustrated render modes. An
          edge shared by two faces is considered a silhouette edge if either of the following
          conditions are met:

          • One face is front-facing and the other is back-facing.
          • The angle between the two faces is greater than or equal to the crease value.
          Table 9.43 describes the render modes that can be specified in a render mode dic-

                                      TABLE 9.43 Render modes
MODE                                DESCRIPTION

Solid                               Displays textured and lit geometric shapes. In the case of artwork that
                                    conforms to the Universal 3D File Format specification, these shapes
                                    are triangles. The AC entry is ignored.

SolidWireframe                      Displays textured and lit geometric shapes (triangles) with single color
                                    edges on top of them. The color of these edges is determined by the AC

Transparent                         Displays textured and lit geometric shapes (triangles) with an added
                                    level of transparency. The AC entry is ignored.

TransparentWireframe                Displays textured and lit geometric shapes (triangles) with an added
                                    level of transparency, with single color opaque edges on top of it. The
                                    color of these edges is determined by the AC entry.

BoundingBox                         Displays the bounding box edges of each node, aligned with the axes of
                                    the local coordinate space for that node. The color of the bounding
                                    box edges is determined by the AC entry.

TransparentBoundingBox              Displays bounding boxes faces of each node, aligned with the axes of
                                    the local coordinate space for that node, with an added level of
                                    transparency. The color of the bounding box faces is determined by
                                    the FC entry.

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