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      CHAPTER 9                                                           Multimedia Features


C     array       (Optional) A three element array specifying the center of rotation on the cutting plane
                  in world space coordinates (see Section 9.5.4, “Coordinate Systems for 3D).
                  Default value: [0 0 0] specifying a cutting plane rotating about the origin of the world

O     array       (Required) A three-element array specifying the orientation of the cutting plane in
                  world space, where each value represents the orientation in relation to the X, Y, and Z
                  axes, respectively (see Section 9.5.4, “Coordinate Systems for 3D). Exactly one of the
                  values must be null, indicating an initial state of the cutting plane that is perpendicular
                  to the corresponding axis and clipping all geometry on the positive side of that axis.
                  The other two values must be numbers indicating the rotation of the plane, in degrees,
                  around their corresponding axes. The order in which these rotations are applied
                  should match the order in which the values appear in the array.
                  Default value: [null 0 0] specifying a cutting plane that is perpendicular to the X axis
                  and coplanar with the Y and Z axes.

PO    number      (Optional) A number in the range [0, 1] indicating the opacity of the cutting plane us-
                  ing a standard additive blend mode.
                  Default value: 0.5

PC    array       (Optional) An array that specifies the color for the cutting plane. The first entry in the
                  array is a color space, and the remaining entries are values in that color space. The
                  only valid color space is DeviceRGB. If a color space other than DeviceRGB is specified,
                  this entry is ignored and the default value is used.
                  Default value: [/DeviceRGB 1 1 1] representing the color white.

IV    boolean     (Optional) A flag indicating the visibility of the intersection of the cutting plane with
                  any 3D geometry. If true, then the intersection is visible. If false, then the intersection
                  is not visible.
                  Default value: false

IC    array       (Optional) An array that specifies the color for the cutting plane’s intersection with the
                  3D artwork. The first entry in the array is a color space, and the remaining entries are
                  values in that color space. The only valid color space is DeviceRGB. If a color space
                  other than DeviceRGB is specified, this entry is ignored and the default value is used.
                  This entry is meaningful only if IV is true.
                  Default value: [/DeviceRGB 0 1 0] representing the color green.

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