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           CHAPTER 10                                                          Document Interchange

KEY                 TYPE             VALUE

ParentTreeNextKey   integer          (Optional) An integer greater than any key in the parent tree, to be used as a
                                     key for the next entry added to the tree.

RoleMap             dictionary       (Optional) A dictionary that maps the names of structure types used in the
                                     document to their approximate equivalents in the set of standard structure
                                     types (see Section 10.7.3, “Standard Structure Types”).

ClassMap            dictionary       (Optional) A dictionary that maps name objects designating attribute class-
                                     es to the corresponding attribute objects or arrays of attribute objects (see
                                     “Attribute Classes” on page 873).

                             TABLE 10.10 Entries in a structure element dictionary
KEY            TYPE                    VALUE

Type           name                    (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if
                                       present, must be StructElem for a structure element.

S              name                    (Required) The structure type, a name object identifying the nature of the
                                       structure element and its role within the document, such as a chapter,
                                       paragraph, or footnote (see Section 10.6.2, “Structure Types”). Names of
                                       structure types must conform to the guidelines described in Appendix E.

P              dictionary              (Required; must be an indirect reference) The structure element that is the
                                       immediate parent of this one in the structure hierarchy.

ID             byte string             (Optional) The element identifier, a byte string designating this structure
                                       element. The string must be unique among all elements in the docu-
                                       ment’s structure hierarchy. The IDTree entry in the structure tree root
                                       (see Table 10.9) defines the correspondence between element identifiers
                                       and the structure elements they denote.

Pg             dictionary              (Optional; must be an indirect reference) A page object representing a
                                       page on which some or all of the content items designated by the K entry
                                       are rendered.

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