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CHAPTER 10                                                    Document Interchange

Example 10.16

  /TagSuspect <</TagSuspect /Ordering>>
        ....             % Problem page contents

Documents containing tag suspects must contain a Suspects entry with a value of
true in the mark information dictionary (see Table 10.8). Consumer applications
encountering this entry should process the TagSuspect marked content in an
manner appropriate to their use of Tagged PDF.

Sequencing of Annotations

Annotations associated with a page are not interleaved within the page’s content
stream but are placed in the Annots array in its page object (see “Page Objects” on
page 144). Consequently, the correct position of an annotation in the page con-
tent order is not readily apparent but is determined from the document’s logical

Both page content (marked-content sequences) and annotations can be treated as
content items that are referenced from structure elements (see Section 10.6.3,
“Structure Content”). Structure elements of type Annot (PDF 1.5), Link, or Form
(see “Inline-Level Structure Elements” on page 905 and “Illustration Elements”
on page 911) explicitly specify the association between a marked-content se-
quence and a corresponding annotation. In other cases, if the structure element
corresponding to an annotation immediately precedes or follows (in the logical
structure order) a structure element corresponding to a marked-content se-
quence, the annotation is considered to precede or follow the marked-content se-
quence, respectively, in the page content order.

Note: If necessary, a Tagged PDF producer may introduce an empty marked-content
sequence solely to serve as a structure element for the purpose of positioning adja-
cent annotations in the page content order.

Reverse-Order Show Strings

In writing systems that are read from right to left (such as Arabic or Hebrew), one
might expect that the glyphs in a font would have their origins at the lower right
and their widths (rightward horizontal displacements) specified as negative. For

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