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CHAPTER 10                                                                  Document Interchange

As an example, consider the following fragment of HTML code, which produces
a line of text containing a hypertext link:

  < html >
      < body >
          Here is some text < a href = http : / / www . adobe . com >with a link< /a > inside .
      < /body >
  < /html >

Example 10.17 shows an equivalent fragment of PDF using a link element, whose
text it displays in blue and underlined. Example 10.18 shows an excerpt from the
associated logical structure hierarchy.

Example 10.17

  /P << /MCID 0 >>                                    % Marked-content sequence 0 (paragraph)
     BDC                                              % Begin marked-content sequence
        BT                                            % Begin text object
           /T1_0 1 Tf                                 % Set text font and size
           14 0 0 14 10.000 753.976 Tm                % Set text matrix
           0.0 0.0 0.0 rg                             % Set nonstroking color to black
           ( Here is some text ) Tj                   % Show text preceding link
        ET                                            % End text object
     EMC                                              % End marked-content sequence

  /Link << /MCID 1 >>                                 % Marked-content sequence 1 (link)
      BDC                                             % Begin marked-content sequence
        0.7 w                                         % Set line width
        [] 0 d                                        % Solid dash pattern
        111.094 751.8587 m                            % Move to beginning of underline
        174.486 751.8587 l                            % Draw underline
        0.0 0.0 1.0 RG                                % Set stroking color to blue
        S                                             % Stroke underline
        BT                                            % Begin text object
           14 0 0 14 111.094 753.976 Tm               % Set text matrix
           0.0 0.0 1.0 rg                             % Set nonstroking color to blue
           ( with a link ) Tj                         % Show text of link
        ET                                            % End text object
      EMC                                             % End marked-content sequence

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