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      CHAPTER 10                                                Document Interchange

KEY         TYPE   VALUE

                      Before       Placed so that the before edge of the element’s allocation
                                   rectangle (see “Content and Allocation Rectangles” on page
                                   930) coincides with that of the nearest enclosing reference
                                   area. The element may float, if necessary, to achieve the
                                   specified placement (see note below). The element is treated
                                   as a block occupying the full extent of the enclosing reference
                                   area in the inline direction. Other content is stacked so as to
                                   begin at the after edge of the element’s allocation rectangle.
                      Start        Placed so that the start edge of the element’s allocation
                                   rectangle (see “Content and Allocation Rectangles” on page
                                   930) coincides with that of the nearest enclosing reference
                                   area. The element may float, if necessary, to achieve the
                                   specified placement (see note below). Other content that
                                   would intrude into the element’s allocation rectangle is laid
                                   out as a runaround.
                      End          Placed so that the end edge of the element’s allocation
                                   rectangle (see “Content and Allocation Rectangles” on page
                                   930) coincides with that of the nearest enclosing reference
                                   area. The element may float, if necessary, to achieve the
                                   specified placement (see note below). Other content that
                                   would intrude into the element’s allocation rectangle is laid
                                   out as a runaround.
                   When applied to an ILSE, any value except Inline causes the element to be
                   treated as a BLSE instead. Default value: Inline.
                   Note: Elements with Placement values of Before, Start, or End are removed from
                   the normal stacking or packing process and allowed to float to the specified edge
                   of the enclosing reference area or parent BLSE. Multiple such floating elements
                   may be positioned adjacent to one another against the specified edge of the ref-
                   erence area or placed serially against the edge, in the order encountered. Com-
                   plex cases such as floating elements that interfere with each other or do not fit
                   on the same page may be handled differently by different layout applications.
                   Tagged PDF merely identifies the elements as floating and indicates their de-
                   sired placement.

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