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            CHAPTER 10                                                    Document Interchange

KEY              TYPE        VALUE

TextAlign        name        (Optional; inheritable; applies only to BLSEs containing text) The alignment,
                             in the inline-progression direction, of text and other content within lines of
                             the BLSE:
                                Start        Aligned with the start edge.
                                Center       Centered between the start and end edges.
                                End          Aligned with the end edge.
                                Justify      Aligned with both the start and end edges, with internal
                                             spacing within each line expanded, if necessary, to achieve
                                             such alignment. The last (or only) line is aligned with the
                                             start edge only.
                             Default value: Start.

BBox             rectangle   (Optional for Annot; required for any figure or table appearing in its entirety on
                             a single page; not inheritable). An array of four numbers in default user space
                             units giving the coordinates of the left, bottom, right, and top edges, respec-
                             tively, of the element’s bounding box (the rectangle that completely encloses
                             its visible content). This attribute applies to any element that lies on a single
                             page and occupies a single rectangle.

Width            number      (Optional; not inheritable; illustrations, tables, table headers, and table cells
                 or name     only; strongly recommended for table cells) The width of the element’s content
                             rectangle (see “Content and Allocation Rectangles” on page 930), measured
                             in default user space units in the inline-progression direction. This attribute
                             applies only to elements of structure type Figure, Formula, Form, Table, TH
                             (Table header), or TD (Table data).
                             The name Auto in place of a numeric value indicates that no specific width
                             constraint is to be imposed; the element’s width is determined by the intrinsic
                             width of its content. Default value: Auto.

Height           number      (Optional; not inheritable; illustrations, tables, table headers, and table cells
                 or name     only) The height of the element’s content rectangle (see “Content and Alloca-
                             tion Rectangles” on page 930), measured in default user space units in the
                             block-progression direction. This attribute applies only to elements of struc-
                             ture type Figure, Formula, Form, Table, TH (Table header), or TD (Table data).
                             The name Auto in place of a numeric value indicates that no specific height
                             constraint is to be imposed; the element’s height is determined by the intrin-
                             sic height of its content. Default value: Auto.

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