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           SECTION 10.10                                                             Prepress Support

                         TABLE 10.46 Entries in a box color information dictionary
KEY         TYPE           VALUE

CropBox     dictionary     (Optional) A box style dictionary (see Table 10.47) specifying the visual characteris-
                           tics for displaying guidelines for the page’s crop box. This entry is ignored if no crop
                           box is defined in the page object.

BleedBox    dictionary     (Optional) A box style dictionary (see Table 10.47) specifying the visual characteris-
                           tics for displaying guidelines for the page’s bleed box. This entry is ignored if no
                           bleed box is defined in the page object.

TrimBox     dictionary     (Optional) A box style dictionary (see Table 10.47) specifying the visual characteris-
                           tics for displaying guidelines for the page’s trim box. This entry is ignored if no trim
                           box is defined in the page object.

ArtBox      dictionary     (Optional) A box style dictionary (see Table 10.47) specifying the visual characteris-
                           tics for displaying guidelines for the page’s art box. This entry is ignored if no art
                           box is defined in the page object.

                               TABLE 10.47 Entries in a box style dictionary
KEY         TYPE           VALUE

C           array          (Optional) An array of three numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0, representing the com-
                           ponents in the DeviceRGB color space of the color to be used for displaying the
                           guidelines. Default value: [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ].

W           number         (Optional) The guideline width in default user space units. Default value: 1.

S           name           (Optional) The guideline style:
                              S    (Solid) A solid rectangle.
                              D    (Dashed) A dashed rectangle. The dash pattern is specified by the D entry
                                   (see below).
                           Other guideline styles may be defined in the future. Default value: S.

D           array          (Optional) A dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps to be used in drawing
                           dashed guidelines (guideline style D above). The dash array is specified in default
                           user space units, in the same format as in the line dash pattern parameter of the
                           graphics state (see “Line Dash Pattern” on page 217). The dash phase is not speci-
                           fied and is assumed to be 0. For example, a D entry of [ 3 2 ] specifies guidelines
                           drawn with 3-point dashes alternating with 2-point gaps. Default value: [ 3 ].

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