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          SECTION 10.10                                                             Prepress Support

          intent dictionary. Other subtypes may be added in the future; the names of any
          such additional subtypes must conform to the naming guidelines described in
          Appendix E.

                            TABLE 10.51 Entries in a PDF/X output intent dictionary
KEY                             TYPE           VALUE

Type                            name           (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes;
                                               if present, must be OutputIntent for an output intent dictionary.

S                               name           (Required) The output intent subtype; must be GTS_PDFX for a
                                               PDF/X output intent.

OutputCondition                 ASCII string   (Optional) An ASCII string concisely identifying the intended
                                               output device or production condition in human-readable form.
                                               This is the preferred method of defining such a string for pre-
                                               sentation to the user.

OutputConditionIdentifier       ASCII string   (Required) An ASCII string identifying the intended output de-
                                               vice or production condition in human- or machine-readable
                                               form. If human-readable, this string may be used in lieu of an
                                               OutputCondition string for presentation to the user.

                                               A typical value for this entry would be the name of a production
                                               condition maintained in an industry-standard registry such as
                                               the ICC Characterization Data Registry (see the Bibliography). If
                                               the designated condition matches that in effect at production
                                               time, the production software is responsible for providing the
                                               corresponding ICC profile as defined in the registry.
                                               If the intended production condition is not a recognized
                                               standard, the value of this entry may be Custom or an applica-
                                               tion-specific, machine-readable name. The DestOutputProfile
                                               entry defines the ICC profile, and the Info entry is used for fur-
                                               ther human-readable identification.

RegistryName                    ASCII string   (Optional) An ASCII string (conventionally a uniform resource
                                               identifier, or URI) identifying the registry in which the condi-
                                               tion designated by OutputConditionIdentifier is defined.

Info                            text string    (Required if OutputConditionIdentifier does not specify a standard
                                               production condition; optional otherwise) A human-readable text
                                               string containing additional information or comments about the
                                               intended target device or production condition.

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