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SECTION F.2                                      Linearized PDF Document Structure

  Resources and MediaBox; the attributes cannot be inherited from ancestor page
  tree nodes.
• The entire outline hierarchy, if the value of the PageMode entry in the catalog
  is UseOutlines. (If the PageMode entry is omitted or has some other value and
  the document has an outline hierarchy, the outline hierarchy appears in part 9;
  see Section F.2.9, “Other Objects (Part 9)” for details.)
• All objects that the page object refers to, to an arbitrary depth, except page tree
  nodes or other page objects. This includes objects referred to by its Contents,
  Resources, Annots, and B entries, but not the Thumb entry.

The order of objects referenced from the page object should facilitate early user
interaction and incremental display of the page data as it arrives. The following
order is recommended:

1. The Annots array and all annotation dictionaries, to a depth sufficient for
   those annotations to be activated. Information required to draw the annota-
   tion can be deferred until later since annotations are always drawn on top of
   (hence after) the contents.
2. The B (beads) array and all bead dictionaries, if any, for this page. If any beads
   exist for this page, the B array is required to be present in the page dictionary.
   Additionally, each bead in the thread (not just the first bead) must contain a T
   entry referring to the associated thread dictionary.
3. The resource dictionary, but not the resource objects contained in the dic-
4. Resource objects, other than the types listed below, in the order that they are
   first referenced (directly or indirectly) from the content stream. If the contents
   are represented as an array of streams, each resource object should precede the
   stream in which it is first referenced. Note that Font, FontDescriptor, and
   Encoding resources should be included here, but not substitutable font files
   referenced from font descriptors (see item 7 below).
5. The page contents (Contents). If large, this should be represented as an array
   of indirect references to content streams, which in turn are interleaved with
   the resources they require. If small, the entire contents should be a single con-
   tent stream preceding the resources.
6. Image XObjects, in the order that they are first referenced. Images are assumed
   to be large and slow to transfer; therefore, the viewer application defers ren-
   dering images until all the other contents have been displayed.

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