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      APPENDIX G                                                          Example PDF Files

      The annotation with object identifier 12 0 illustrates splitting a long text string
      across multiple lines, as well as the technique for including nonstandard charac-
      ters in a string. In this case, the character is an ellipsis (…), which is character
      code 203 (octal) in PDFDocEncoding, the encoding used for text annotations.

      As in previous updates, the trailer’s Prev entry and startxref value have been

 G.7 Structured Elements That Describe Hierarchical Lists
      This section presents examples that illustrate how structured elements are used to
      described hierarchical lists, such as a table of contents or an index.

G.7.1 Table of Contents

      The structured element’s structure type entry (S) can have values that establish
      hierarchical relationships between entries in a table of content. The TOCI value
      specifies an individual member of a table of contents. The TOC value specifies a
      list made up of other table of contents items that are individual members of the
      table of contents and/or lists of table of contents items. (The trailing character in
      TOCI is an upper case “I”.)

      Figure G.5 shows the table of contents described by Example G.11 on page 1084.

                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                    1. Chapter One . . . . . . . . . 3

                                        1.1 Section A . . . . . . . . 4

                                        1.2 Section B . . . . . . . . 5

                                    2. Chapter Two . . . . . . . . . 6

                                    3. Chapter Three . . . . . . . . 7

                                        3.1 Section A . . . . . . . . 8

                                  FIGURE G.5 Table of contents

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