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APPENDIX H                                     Compatibility and Implementation Notes

       encoded as UTF-8. Fortunately, UTF-8 encoding is very stylized and its
       use can usually be recognized. A name that does not conform to UTF-8
       encoding rules can instead be interpreted according to host platform en-

3.2.7, “Stream Objects”
   6. When a stream specifies an external file, PDF 1.1 parsers ignore the file
      and always use the bytes between stream and endstream.
   7. Acrobat viewers accept the name DP as an abbreviation for the
      DecodeParms key in any stream dictionary. If both DP and DecodeParms
      entries are present, DecodeParms takes precedence.

3.2.9, “Indirect Objects”
   8. Acrobat viewers require that the name object used as a key in a dictionary
      entry be a direct object; an indirect object reference to a name is not ac-

3.3, “Filters”
   9. Acrobat viewers accept the abbreviated filter names shown in Table H.1 in
      addition to the standard ones. Although the abbreviated names are
      intended for use only in the context of inline images (see Section 4.8.6, “In-
      line Images”), they are also accepted as filter names in any stream object.

                 TABLE H.1 Abbreviations for standard filter names

ASCIIHexDecode                    AHx

ASCII85Decode                     A85

LZWDecode                         LZW

FlateDecode (PDF 1.2)             Fl (uppercase F, lowercase L)

RunLengthDecode                   RL

CCITTFaxDecode                    CCF

DCTDecode                         DCT

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