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S E C T I O N H .3                                            Implementation Notes

136. When scaling a button’s appearance to the bounds of an annotation, ver-
     sions of Acrobat earlier than 6.0 always took into account the line width
     used to draw the border, even when no border was being drawn. Begin-
     ning with Acrobat 6.0, the FB entry in the icon fit dictionary (see Table
     8.97 on page 719) allows the option of ignoring the line width.

8.6.6, “Forms Data Format” (FDF Pages)
137. Acrobat renames fields by prepending a page number, a template name,
     and an ordinal number to the field name. The ordinal number cor-
     responds to the order in which the template is applied to a page, with 0
     being the first template specified for the page. For example, if the first
     template used on the fifth page has the name Template and has the
     Rename flag set to true, fields defined in that template are renamed by
     prepending the character string P5 . Template_0 . to their field names.
138. Adobe Extreme® printing systems require that the Rename flag be true.

8.7, “Digital Signatures”
139. Acrobat 6.0 computes a byte range digest only when the signature dictio-
     nary is referenced from a signature field. There is no byte range signature
     (that is, there is only an object signature) for FDF file signatures and usage
     rights signatures referenced from the UR entry of a permissions dictio-
     nary. In Acrobat 7.0, byte range digests are also computed for usage rights
     signatures referenced from the UR3 entry of a permissions dictionary.
140. Acrobat 6.0 and later do not provide the Changes entry.

8.7.1, “Transform Methods”
141. Acrobat 6.0 and 7.0 always generate DigestValue when creating MDP sig-
     natures. Acrobat 6.0 requires the presence of DigestValue in order to vali-
     date MDP signatures. Acrobat 7.0 does not use DigestValue but compares
     the current and signed versions of the document.
142. Acrobat 6.0 requires a usage rights signature dictionary that is referenced
     from the UR entry of the permissions dictionary in order to validate the
     usage rights. Acrobat 7.0 supports both UR and UR3; it uses the UR3 dic-
     tionary if both are present. Adobe PDF generating applications that sup-
     port PDF 1.6 and greater generate UR only for backwards compatibility
     with Acrobat Reader 6.0.

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