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     SE CT IO N I. 2                                               Selective Computation

       may be modified (for example, when the value of P is 3 for the DocMDP trans-
       form method), annotation dictionaries other than widgets are not included.

     Note: Pages that have a TemplateInstantiated entry are not included in the digest
     when the transform method indicates that page template instantiation is permitted.
     Instead, a separate calculation is performed to compare instantiated pages with
     their associated named pages; see Section I.2.9, “Page Template Verification.”

I.2.3 Named Pages

     For named pages (see Section 8.6.5, “Named Pages”), only the Contents and
     Annots entries are digested, as shown in Section I.2.2, “Page Objects,” above.

I.2.4 Embedded Files

     The document’s embedded files (as specified in the EmbeddedFiles name tree)
     are sorted by name. For each embedded file, the following values are digested, in

     • The name of the embedded file
     • The stream corresponding to the file

I.2.5 Annotation Dictionaries

     For annotation dictionaries (see Table 8.44), the values of the following entries
     are digested, in order, if present:

     • Contents
       Note: A string of the form “()” (empty parentheses) is considered nonexistent con-
       tent and is not included.
     • AA
     • Dest
     • QuadPoints

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