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    property list 892, 905, 942-943                                   as hexadecimal string delimiters 53, 56, 59, 182
    structure element dictionary 860, 888, 913, 915, 942-          Angle entry (type 1 halftone dictionary) 497
        943                                                        animation timeline 799
        ActualText entry, compared with 944
                                                                   Annot object type 606, 1075, 1080
        and font characteristics 893
        for illustrations 912                                      Annot standard structure type 890, 906, 909-910
        and Unicode mapping 892                                    annotation dictionaries 147, 605-608, 1075, 1080, 1113
alternate color space                                                 A entry 622, 647, 649, 654, 724
    and color separations 970                                         AA entry 648, 676, 724
    for DeviceN color spaces 175, 258, 270-272, 286, 307              AP entry 606, 613, 621, 624-626, 631-632, 634, 636,
                                                                          638-641, 678, 688, 696, 707, 791, 968, 976, 1113
    and flattening of transparent content 576
                                                                      AS entry 607, 614-615, 968, 975-977
    for ICCBased color spaces 253-254
                                                                      Border entry 607, 610-611, 1113
    and overprinting 267, 271
                                                                      BS entry 607, 611-612, 631, 641
    for Separation color spaces 258, 266-267, 307
                                                                      C entry 607, 637
    in soft masks 552
                                                                      Contents entry 606, 615-617, 627, 637, 683, 943
    and spot color components 564-565
                                                                      F entry 606, 608, 649, 718, 968, 976
    and transparent imaging model 267, 271, 519
                                                                      and hide actions 666
    and transparent overprinting 568
                                                                      in Linearized PDF 1035
alternate descriptions 936, 942-943                                   M entry 606, 637, 1113
    for annotations 606, 616, 943                                     NM entry 606, 618
    font characteristics unavailable for 893                          OC entry 608
    for marked-content sequences 942                                  P entry 606, 640, 670
    for sound annotations 943                                         Page entry (FDF files) 722
    for structure elements 860, 887, 942-943                          Rect entry 606, 610, 612, 623, 625, 630-632, 635, 645,
    in Tagged PDF 888                                                     663, 679, 696, 792, 910
    and Unicode natural language escape 943                           StructParent entry 608, 869
Alternate entry (ICC profile stream dictionary) 253-254               Subtype entry 606, 615
alternate field names 675, 943                                        Type entry 606
alternate image dictionaries 347                                      See also
    DefaultForPrinting entry 347                                          3D annotation dictionaries
    Image entry 347                                                       caret annotation dictionaries
    OC entry 347, 349                                                     circle annotation dictionaries
alternate images 335, 339, 341, 347-348                                   FDF annotation dictionaries
    optional content 347, 349                                             file attachment annotation dictionaries
    printing 347                                                          free text annotation dictionaries
                                                                          ink annotation dictionaries
    See also
                                                                          line annotation dictionaries
        alternate image dictionaries
                                                                          link annotation dictionaries
alternate presentations 150, 786-789                                      markup annotation dictionaries
    slideshows 787, 1124                                                  movie annotation dictionaries
AlternateImages entry (legal attestation dictionary) 743                  polygon annotation dictionaries
AlternatePresentations entry (name dictionary) 150, 786                   polyline annotation dictionaries
Alternates entry (image dictionary) 341, 349, 555                         pop-up annotation dictionaries
AN entry (3D stream dictionary) 798                                       printer’s mark annotation dictionaries
                                                                          rubber stamp annotation dictionaries
AN entry (rendition action dictionary) 669
                                                                          screen annotation dictionaries
anamorphic scaling 720                                                    sound annotation dictionaries
and operator (PostScript) 176, 990                                        square annotation dictionaries
angle (halftone screen) 488                                               text annotation dictionaries
    type 1 halftones 496-498                                              text markup annotation dictionaries
    type 10 halftones 496, 499-500, 502                                   trap network annotation dictionaries
    type 16 halftones 496, 503                                            watermark annotation dictionaries
angle brackets ( < > ) 50                                                 widget annotation dictionaries
    double, as dictionary delimiters 59, 97, 713                   annotation elements (Tagged PDF) 909-910

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