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B                                                                   specifying 548
                                                                    spot color components 564
B border style (beveled) 611                                        in transparency groups 537
B entry                                                          backdrop fraction 538
    hint stream dictionary 1034                                  backdrop opacity 515, 529
    media clip section MH/BE dictionaries 767-768                   notation 529
    media screen parameters MH/BE dictionaries 772                  and overprinting 566
    page object 146, 596, 710, 1035, 1105                        backdrop shape 529
    sound object 783-784                                            notation 529
    thread action dictionary 662
                                                                 Background artifact type 886
    transition dictionary 600
                                                                 background artifacts 887
B operator 196, 230, 985
    and transparent overprinting 569                             background color (Tagged PDF) 919
b operator 196, 225, 230, 985                                    background dictionaries 805
    and transparent overprinting 569                             Background entry (shading dictionary) 303, 305, 309-310,
< b > XHTML element (rich text strings) 681                             560
B* operator 196, 230, 985                                        BackgroundColor standard structure attribute 916, 919
    and transparent overprinting 569                             backslash (\) character 53
b* operator 196, 230, 985                                           as DOS (Windows) file name delimiter 180, 660
    and transparent overprinting 569                                as escape character 54-56, 179, 182, 409
B5pc-H predefined CMap 443, 446                                     escape sequence for 54, 409
                                                                    in unique names (Web Capture) 952
B5pc-V predefined CMap 443, 446
backdrop 514                                                     backspace (BS) character
    for annotation appearances 613                                  escape sequence for 54
    compositing with 195, 234, 516                               balanced trees 143, 1153
    and fully opaque objects 574                                 BarcodePlainText form usage rights 735
    group. See group backdrop                                    < BASE > body element (universal resource identifier) 663
    immediate (transparency group element). See immedi-          base color space (Indexed color space) 258, 263, 307, 563,
        ate backdrop                                                    568
    initial (transparency group). See initial backdrop           base encoding 427, 459, 996
    for page group 516, 539, 542-543
    for patterns 559-561                                         Base entry (URI dictionary) 663
    and transparent overprinting 569-570                         base images 339, 347, 351, 1108
    See also                                                     base URI (URI action) 663
        backdrop alpha                                           base URL (media clip data) 766
        backdrop color                                           BaseEncoding entry (encoding dictionary) 427, 429, 431,
        backdrop opacity                                                1110
        backdrop shape
                                                                 BaseFont entry
backdrop alpha                                                      CIDFont dictionary 436, 453, 456
    in compositing 525-526                                          font dictionary 456
    notation 518, 535                                               font subset 419, 1110
backdrop color 517                                                  multiple master font dictionary 417
    backdrop fraction 538                                           TrueType font dictionary 418-419
    blending color space, conversion to 518                         Type 0 font dictionary 453
    and CompatibleOverprint blend mode 568                          Type 1 font dictionary 58, 333, 413
    in compositing 515, 525-526
                                                                 baseline shift (ILSEs) 926
    and nonseparable blend modes 524
    notation 518, 535, 543                                       BaselineShift standard structure attribute 905, 912, 917,
    and overprinting 566                                                926, 930-931
    for page group 542                                           BaseState entry (optional content configuration
    removal from compositing computations 538                           dictionary) 376, 385
    and separable blend modes 520-522                            basic compositing formula
    and soft masks 545-547, 553                                     See compositing computations

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