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   encoding. See CMaps                                           for patterns 560
   glyph selection 408                                           and preblending of soft-mask image data 556
   PostScript and PDF, compared 433                              simplification of 545
   Tj operator 390                                            “Compositing Digital Images” (Porter and Duff) 518,
   Unicode mapping 471                                                1157
   word spacing 399                                           compressed objects 100
   writing mode 395
                                                              compression, data 39, 65-66
   See also
                                                                 CCITT facsimile 39, 67, 77-80, 86, 1156
        CID-keyed fonts
                                                                 DCT (discrete cosine transform) 67, 84-86
        Type 0 fonts
                                                                 filters 39, 46, 71-86, 783
composite pages 264                                              Flate (zlib/deflate) 39, 67, 71-77
   separations, generation of 969                                JBIG2 (Joint Bi-Level Image Experts Group) 39, 67,
   spot colorants in 563                                              80-84
compositing 35, 195, 513-515                                     JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 39, 67, 84,
   of annotation appearances 613                                      86
   blending color space 518-519, 548, 1112                       JPEG2000 67, 86-87
   computations. See compositing computations                    lossless 66, 80, 256
   in isolated groups 538-539, 558                               lossy 66, 80, 84
   of isolated groups 539                                        LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) 39, 65-67, 71-77
   in knockout groups 540-541, 558                               run-length encoding 67, 77
   in non-isolated groups 558                                    sounds 783
   in non-knockout groups 540                                 computation order 651, 673
   and overprinting 566
   in page group 516, 543                                     Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (Foley et al.)
   of page group 542-543
   pattern cells 559                                          concat operator (PostScript) 985
   shading patterns 560                                       Condensed font stretch 456
   of spot color components 564                               Confidential annotation icon 636
   text knockout parameter 403-404                            Configs entry (optional content properties dictionary)
   tiling patterns 559                                                375
   in transparency groups 515-516, 530-531, 533-534,          configuration dictionaries (optional content)
        546, 557, 559, 561                                       See optional content configuration dictionaries
   of transparency groups 515-516, 530-531, 533-535,
                                                              configuration information (XFA forms) 722
        552, 557-559, 561, 569
   See also                                                   constant opacity 212, 222, 527, 549
        alpha                                                    for annotations 618
        blend modes                                              notation 528, 533, 537
        opacity                                                  specifying 551, 1112
        shape                                                    in transparency groups 531
compositing computations                                      constant shape 212, 222, 527, 549
   basic 516-530                                                 notation 528, 533, 537
        formula 517-518                                          specifying 551, 1112
        notation 516-517                                         in transparency groups 531
        summary 530                                           consumer applications, PDF 25-26, 412
   group 532-538                                                 alternate color space, handling of 253, 266
        general groups 532-533                                   blend modes 548
        isolated groups 539                                      character encodings, standard 995
        knockout groups 540-541                                  character sets, standard 995
        non-isolated groups 542                                  characters, identification of 470
        non-isolated, non-knockout groups 535-536                color mapping function 479
        notation 531-532                                         compatibility, version 26, 42, 92
        page group 542-543                                       content extraction 40, 469
        summary 544-545                                          content streams, processing of 35
   linear 562                                                    cross-reference table, processing of 99, 110

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