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   Export 382-383, 386                                      language specification hierarchy 938-941
   Print 382-383, 386                                       Linearized PDF 1025-1028
   View 382-384, 386                                        link annotation 623
events, trigger                                             link element (Tagged PDF) 908-909
   See trigger events                                       logical structure 877-883
EX operator 152, 196, 369, 986                              LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) encoding 72-73
                                                            marked content and clipping 852-855
                                                            marked-content reference 863
   abbreviation expansion 945
                                                            marked-content identifiers 862, 864
   alternate image 347-348
                                                            measure dictionary 750-751
   appearance dictionary 614                                multiple master font 417
   article 597-598                                          name tree 163-165
   CalGray color spaces 247                                 NChannel color space 277-279
   CalRGB color space 249                                   nonzero overprint mode 285-286
   character encoding 427-428                               object streams 103-105, 111-115
   check box field 686-687                                  optional content 371-372
   choice field 695                                         optional content membership dictionaries 368
   CIDFont FD dictionary 464-465                            outline hierarchy 1070-1074
   CIDFont, W entry 440                                     output intent dictionary 973
   CIDFont, W2 entry 441                                    page labels 595
   CMap 449-451                                             page object 148
   conversion engine, internal name 961                     page tree 144, 1065-1070
   cross-reference sections 95-96                           partial field name 677
   cross-reference streams 103-106, 111-115                 PDF files
   crypt filters 135                                             graphics 1062-1065
   DeviceCMYK color space, color specification 243               minimal 1057-1059
   DeviceGray color space, color specification 242               text 1060-1062
   DeviceN color space 276-279                              presentation parameters 601
   DeviceRGB color space, color specification 242           quadtone color space (DeviceN) 282-284
   dictionary syntax 59                                     radio button field 689-690
   document catalog 142                                     related files array 187-188
   document information dictionary 845                      relative file specifications 180
   document outline 587                                     replacement text 944
   duotone color spaces (DeviceN) 279-282                   resource dictionary 154-155
   embedded font program 467                                reverse-order show string 891
   embedded go-to actions 658-659                           sampled image 343-344
   file specification string 179                            Separation color space 267-268
   file trailer 98                                          showing of text 389
   filter pipeline 65                                       stream, encoded 66-68
   font definition 389-390                                  stream, indirect length specification 64-65
   font descriptor, Style entry 462                         stream, unencoded 66-69
   form XObject 360                                         structure elements
   glyph positioning 394-395                                     finding from content items 870-872
   go-to action 654                                              form XObjects in 865-868
   graphics state parameter dictionaries 223-224            structured elements and heirarchical lists 1082-1094
   hybrid-reference files 111-115                           text annotation 622
   ICCBased color space 256-257                             text field 692-693
   image coordinate system, transformation of 339           text, special graphical effects for 391-393
   incremental updates 1074-1082                            thumbnail image 588
   Indexed color space 263-264                              tiling pattern, colored 295-298
   indirect object reference 64                             tiling pattern, uncolored 299-301
   indirect object specification 64                         tint transformation function 281-282
   inline image 354-355                                     ToUnicode CMap 472-474
   JBIG2 encoding 82-84                                     transfer function 485
   Lab color space 252                                      TrueType font 418-419

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