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  RD entry 749                                                   O entry (3D node dictionary) 829
  RT entry 749                                                   O entry (3D render mode dictionary) 814
  SS entry 749                                                   O highlighting mode (outline) 622, 641
  Type entry 748                                                 O trigger event (page) 650
  U entry 748
                                                                 OB entry
number sign (#) character                                            projection dictionary 809
  as hexadecimal escape character in names 57-58, 419,
      1099                                                       Obj entry (object reference dictionary) 868
  in uniform resource locators (URLs) 950                        obj keyword 58, 64, 102
number tree nodes 166                                            object alpha 535-536
  intermediate 166                                                   in isolated groups 539
  Kids entry 166                                                     notation 537
  leaf 166                                                       object collections (object streams) 102
  Limits entry 166                                               object color 536
  Nums entry 166                                                     and rendering intents 575
  root 166                                                           and soft masks 545
number trees 166                                                 object digests 725
  keys 166                                                           calculation of 1131-1138
  name trees, compared with 166                                      See also
  nodes. See number tree nodes                                           transform methods
  for page labeling ranges 139, 595                                      transform parameters
  structural parent tree 857, 869                                object hierarchy
  values 166                                                         FDF 713
numbers 53                                                           PDF 137
  See also numeric objects                                       object identifiers 63
NumCopies entry (viewer preferences dictionary) 581                  cross-reference table, reconstruction of 993
numeric characters 463                                               and encryption 119
                                                                     and incremental updates 99
numeric objects 52-53
                                                                     shared (Linearized PDF) 1041-1042, 1049
  integer 52
                                                                     in updating example 1074-1075, 1077, 1079-1080,
  range and precision 52
  real 52
                                                                 object numbers 63
Nums entry (number tree node) 166                                    in cross-reference table 94-95, 97, 99
                                                                     and encryption 119
O                                                                    in FDF files 711
                                                                     in indirect object references 64
O entry                                                              subsection entry constraints 94
   3D view dictionary 805-806                                        in updating example 1075, 1079-1080
   additional-actions dictionary 649-650, 1116                   object opacity 527, 549
   attribute object 873, 876, 913, 916, 932, 934                     in knockout groups 540
   collection field dictionary 591                                   notation 528, 533
   encryption dictionary 122, 125-126, 128                           and overprinting 566
   floating window parameters dictionary 773-774                     patterns 560
   hint stream dictionary 1033                                       specifying 550
   linearization parameter dictionary 1029, 1034, 1042,              and tiling patterns 528
       1046                                                      object reference dictionaries 859, 868
   media criteria dictionary 760                                     Obj entry 868
   media screen parameters MH/BE dictionaries 773                    Pg entry 868
   number format dictionary 749                                      Type entry 868
   rectilinear measure dictionary 747                            object references (logical structure) 869-870
   Web Capture content set 953-955, 961, 1126                        and link elements (Tagged PDF) 906-907, 910
   Windows launch parameter dictionary 661                           See also
O entry (3D cross section dictionary) 820                                object reference dictionaries

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