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   Sub 75-76                                                          Print event type (usage application dictionary) 382-383,
   TIFF (Tag Image File Format) Predictor 2 75-76                             386
   Up 75-76                                                           print scaling 580
preferences, viewer                                                   Print Setup dialog 1127
   See viewer preferences                                             PrintArea entry (viewer preferences dictionary) 579
Preferences folder (Mac OS) 1119                                      PrintClip entry (viewer preferences dictionary) 580
Preferred entry (Language subdictionary, optional content             printer driver 43-44
        usage dictionary) 380, 383                                    printer’s mark annotation dictionaries 968
premultiplied alpha                                                      MN entry 968
   See preblending of soft-mask image data                               Subtype entry 968
premultiplied opacity channel (JPEG2000) 88                           printer’s mark annotations 616, 643, 966-968
“prep” table (TrueType font) 468-469                                     annotation rectangle 966
prepress production 34, 842, 962-984                                     appearance streams for 968
   See also                                                              See also
        Open Prepress Interface (OPI)                                         printer’s mark annotation dictionaries
        output intents                                                printer’s mark form dictionaries 968-969
        page boundaries                                                  Colorants entry 969
        printer’s marks                                                  MarkStyle entry 968
        separation dictionaries                                       printer’s marks 842, 962-963, 966-969
        trapping                                                         See also printer’s mark annotations
presentations 594, 598-601                                            PrinterMark annotation type 616-617, 715, 968
   display duration 147, 598, 600-601                                 printers 200, 243
   sub-page navigation 601-603                                           color 487, 505
   transition dictionaries 147, 598-600                                  dot-matrix 36-37
   transition style 599                                                  and halftones 488
preseparated files 969                                                   ink-jet 36-37
   and trapping 978                                                      laser 36-37
PreserveRB entry (set-OCG-state action dictionary) 667                   process colorants 264
PresSteps entry (page object) 148, 602-603                               separations 266-267
Prev entry                                                            PrintField attributes
   cross-reference stream dictionary 108                                 checked 934
   file trailer dictionary 97, 99, 108, 110-111, 1030, 1038,             Desc 934
        1075, 1077, 1080, 1082                                           Role 934
   navigation node dictionary 602-603                                 PrintField standard attribute owner 915
   outline item dictionary 585-586                                    printing 121
PrevPage named action 666                                                access permission 121, 123-124
   See also named-action dictionaries                                    alternate images 347
Primary 3D lighting styles 818                                           annotations 608-609, 613, 1114
                                                                         embedded fonts, copyright restrictions on 465
primary colorants 264, 267
                                                                         glyph widths in 1109
   and halftones 487, 496
                                                                         by launch actions 659-661
primary hint stream (Linearized PDF) 1027, 1032                          list numbering 933
   in first-page cross-reference table 1030                              n-up 578
   and first-page section, ordering of 1032, 1034, 1051-                 OPI proxies 1128
        1052                                                             output medium, dialog with user on 478
   hint table offsets in 1033, 1039, 1048                                page boundaries 579-580, 965
   in linearization parameter dictionary 1029, 1032                      PostScript XObjects 333
   object offsets, ignored by 1039-1040, 1042                            predefined spot functions 1112
   and one-pass file generation 1053                                     Print Setup dialog 1127
   overflow hint stream, concatenated with 1032, 1039                    procedure sets and 1125
Print annotation flag 608, 968, 976, 1114                                R2L reading order 578
Print entry (optional content usage dictionary) 381, 383                 reference XObjects 363

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