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    FDF field dictionary 719                              S operator 36, 196, 229-231, 987
    field dictionary 678, 683-684, 691                        and current color 236
                                                              ending path 225
                                                              in glyph descriptions 422
S                                                             and graphics state parameters 210, 231
                                                              and patterns 289, 292, 303
S border style (solid) 611, 1114                              and subpaths 231
S entry 59                                                s operator 196, 230, 987
    action dictionary 648
    border effect dictionary 612                          S structure element dictionary 1082, 1089
    border style dictionary 611                           S tab order (annotations) 605
    box style dictionary 967                              SA entry
    collection sort dictionary 592                            3D view dictionary 806
    embedded go-to action dictionary 656-657              SA entry (graphics state parameter dictionary) 222, 512,
    go-to action dictionary 654                                   1112
    go-to-3D-view action dictionary 670                   SamePath Web Capture command flag 958
    group attributes dictionary 361, 556, 559             SameSite Web Capture command flag 958
    hide action dictionary 666
                                                          sample data
    hint stream dictionary 1033
                                                              sounds 782-783
    icon fit dictionary 720
                                                              type 0 functions 169-171
    import-data action dictionary 708
    JavaScript action dictionary 709                      sample values (images) 36, 334
    launch action dictionary 660                              decoding 341, 344-346
    media clip dictionary 763-764                             in image masks 350
    media criteria dictionary 760                             in image space 337
    media duration dictionary 771                             in inline images 352
    media offset dictionary 775                               order of specification 499, 503-504
    movie action dictionary 665                               representation 336
    named-action dictionary 667                               in soft-mask images 554
    page label dictionary 595                                 source colors (transparent imaging model) 548
    PDF/X output intent dictionary 970-971                    stream data 335
    rectilinear measure dictionary 747                    sampled functions
    remote go-to action dictionary 655                        See type 0 functions
    rendition action dictionary 669                       sampled images
    rendition dictionary 759                                  See images, sampled
    requirement dictionary 751                            sans serif fonts 458
    requirement handler dictionary 753                    SansSerif font classification (Tagged PDF) 894
    reset-form action dictionary 707
                                                          Saturation blend mode 524
    set-OCG-state action dictionary 667
    soft-mask dictionary 552-553                          Saturation rendering intent 261
    sound action dictionary 664                           save operator (PostScript) 1128
    source information dictionary 956                     SC operator 196, 240, 287, 289, 987
    structure element dictionary 858, 898-899                 in content streams 236
    submit-form action dictionary 703                         in DeviceCMYK color space 243
    thread action dictionary 661                              in DeviceGray color space 242
    timespan dictionary 776                                   in DeviceRGB color space 243
    transition action dictionary 670                          in Indexed color spaces 264
    transition dictionary 599                                 and sampled images 236
    transparency group attributes dictionary 556          sc operator 196, 240, 288-289, 987
    URI action dictionary 662                                 in content streams 236
    Web Capture command dictionary 958, 960                   and Decode arrays 336
    Web Capture content set 953                               in DeviceCMYK color space 243
    Web Capture image set 955                                 in DeviceGray color space 242
    Web Capture page set 954                                  in DeviceRGB color space 243
S guideline style (page boundaries) 967                       in Indexed color spaces 264

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