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    specifying 550-556                                             Contents entry 617
    spot color components unavailable in 552                       Name entry 639
    spot colors unavailable in 564                                 Sound entry 638, 782
    subtype 552-553                                                Subtype entry 638
    transfer functions for 546-547, 552-553                     Sound annotation type 616, 638
    transparency groups, deriving from 531, 552                 sound annotations 33, 616-617, 638-639
        group alpha 546, 552-553                                   activating 782
        group luminosity 516, 546-547, 552-553                     alternate text description 943
    See also                                                       contents 617
        soft-mask dictionaries                                     and text annotations, compared 638
        soft-mask images                                           See also
SoftLight blend mode 522                                               sound annotation dictionaries
software identifier dictionaries 761, 778-781                          sounds
    H entry 779-780                                             Sound entry
    HI entry 780                                                   sound action dictionary 664, 782, 1116
    L entry 780                                                    sound annotation dictionary 638, 782
    LI entry 780
                                                                sound files 782
    OS entry 779-780
                                                                   AIFF 782
    software URIs 780
                                                                   AIFF-C 782
    Type entry 780
                                                                   RIFF 782
    U entry 780
                                                                   snd 782
    version arrays 781
                                                                Sound object type 783
software identifier objects
    See software identifier dictionaries                        sound objects 782-784
                                                                   B entry 783-784
SoftwareIdentifier object type 780
                                                                   C entry 783-784
Sold annotation icon 636                                           CO entry 783
Solid 3D render modes 815                                          CP entry 783
Solid border style 920                                             E entry 783
Solidities entry (DeviceN mixing hints dictionary) 274             R entry 783-784
SolidOutline 3D render modes 816                                   and sound actions 664
SolidWireframe 3D render modes 815                                 and sound annotations 638
                                                                   Type entry 783
“Solving the Nearest-Point-On-Curve Problem”
        (Schneider) 1154                                        SoundActions entry (legal attestation dictionary) 742
“Some Properties of Bézier Curves” (Goldman) 1154               sounds 33, 604, 638, 647-648, 663, 782-784, 1123
                                                                   asynchronous 664
Sony Trinitron® display 249
                                                                   encoding format. See encoding formats, sound
Sort entry                                                         mixing 664
    collection dictionary 590                                      in movies 639, 784-785
Sort field flag (choice field) 694                                 synchronous 664
sound action dictionaries 664                                      volume 664
    Mix entry 664, 1116                                            See also
    Repeat entry 664                                                   sound actions
    S entry 664                                                        sound annotations
    Sound entry 664, 782, 1116                                         sound objects
    Synchronous entry 664, 1116                                 source alpha
    Volume entry 664, 1116                                         in compositing 525-526
Sound action type 653, 664                                         in knockout groups 541
sound actions 653, 663-664, 1116                                   notation 518, 533, 537
    volume 664                                                     and overprinting 569
    See also                                                    source color (transparent imaging model) 517
        sound action dictionaries                                  blending color space, conversion to 518
        sounds                                                     and CompatibleOverprint blend mode 568
sound annotation dictionaries 638-639                              compositing 525-526

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