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        text space                                              text files 39, 49
        text state                                              text font (Tf ) parameter
        writing mode                                                Tf operator 988
text alignment 924                                              text font parameter 397
    Center 924                                                      Font entry (graphics state parameter dictionary) 221
    End 924                                                         showing of text 389
    Justify 924                                                     Tf operator 398
    Start 924                                                   text font size (Tfs ) parameter
text annotation dictionaries 621                                    Tf operator 988
    IRT entry 620                                               text font size parameter 397
    Name entry 621                                                  Font entry (graphics state parameter dictionary) 221
    Open entry 621                                                  showing of text 389
    State entry 620-621                                             text matrix, updating of 410
    StateModel entry 620-621                                        text space 406
    Subtype entry 621                                               Tf operator 390, 398
Text annotation type 615, 621                                       unscaled text space units unaffected by 398
text annotations 99, 124, 621-622, 1114                         text identifiers (Web Capture page sets) 951, 953-954
    access permissions for 121                                  text knockout (Tk ) parameter
    font 621                                                        transparent overprinting independent of 569
    and free text annotations, compared 623                     text knockout parameter 397, 403-404
    modification date, updating 1113                                TK entry (graphics state parameter dictionary) 223
    rotation, not subject to 621
                                                                text line matrix 397, 404, 407
    scaling, not subject to 621
    and sound annotations, compared 638                         text markup annotation dictionaries 634
    text size 621                                                   QuadPoints entry 634, 1115
    in updating example 1074-1075, 1077-1080, 1082                  Subtype entry 634
    See also                                                    text markup annotations 633-634, 1115
        text annotation dictionaries                                See also
Text Boundaries (Unicode Standard Annex #29) 895, 1158                   text markup annotation dictionaries
text color (Tagged PDF) 921                                     text matrix 203, 390, 397-398, 404, 407, 409-410
                                                                    text size 390
text decoration type 928
                                                                    translation 408
    LineThrough 928
    None 928                                                    text object operators 196, 404-405
    Overline 928                                                    BT 196, 390, 401, 405, 679, 851, 911, 985
    Underline 928                                                   ET 196, 401, 405, 679, 851, 911, 986
                                                                    marked-content operators, combined with 851
text discontinuities 888
                                                                text objects 36, 194, 387, 389, 404-410, 985-986
text field dictionaries 692                                         as clipping paths 235, 401-402, 852-853
    MaxLen entry 691-692                                            and color operators 286
text field flags 691                                                and default appearance strings 679
    Comb 691                                                        in glyph descriptions 421
    DoNotScroll 691                                                 and graphics state 198
    DoNotSpellCheck 691                                             illustration elements (Tagged PDF) prohibited within
    FileSelect 691-692                                                   911
    Multiline 691                                                   operators in 405
    Password 691                                                    showing text 389
    RichText 678, 683, 691                                          text knockout parameter 223, 403, 548
text fields 675, 685, 691-693                                       text line matrix 397
    flags. See text field flags                                     text matrix 397
    trigger events for 651                                          text rendering matrix 397
    value 691-692                                                   text state operators 397
    variable text in 677                                            text state parameters 397
    See also                                                        Type 3 fonts in 405
        text field dictionaries                                     See also

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