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    color spaces 241, 244, 253, 257, 478                                font management 1108-1109
    compatibility. See version compatibility, PDF                       form fields, variable text in 677-680
    and FDF files 711-712, 714, 1119                                    implementation limits 991-993
    form XObjects, resources for 358                                    launch actions, response to 660
    ICC profiles 254                                                    Linearized PDF, processing of 1021, 1024, 1035-1037,
    imaging models 35, 195                                                  1051-1055
    linearization independent of 1028                                   mouse, responding to 652
    masked images 349-350                                               movies, asynchronous playing of 786
    PostScript XObjects 333                                             named actions 666
    specification 90, 92, 99, 139, 1096                                 named pages, handling of 710
    TrueType font encodings 430                                         outline items, responding to 585
    version numbers 1095-1098                                           page boundaries, display of 146, 965-966
        major 1095-1096                                                 passwords, handling of 691
        minor 1095-1097                                                 presentations 147, 598
vertical text attributes                                                private data ignored by 848
    GlyphOrientationVertical 917                                        remote go-to actions, response to 655
vertical writing                                                        scan conversion 511
    character spacing 399                                               signatures, digital 674
    in CIDFonts 437, 440-441, 463-464                                   Sort choice field flag ignored by 694
    glyph displacement 410                                              sound formats 783
    R2L reading order 578                                               sounds, synchronous playing of 664
    word spacing 399                                                    text annotations, font and size for 621
    writing mode 1 395-396                                              thumbnail images, display of 587
                                                                        unknown annotation types, handling of 614
vertical-align CSS2 style attribute (rich text strings) 682
                                                                        user interface 578-579
Vertices 3D render modes 816
                                                                     viewer preferences 577-580
Vertices entry
                                                                     viewer preferences dictionary 139, 577-580
    polygon annotation dictionary 632
                                                                        CenterWindow entry 578
    polyline annotation dictionary 632
                                                                        Direction entry 578, 605
VerticesPerRow entry (type 5 shading dictionary) 320                    DisplayDocTitle entry 578
“vhea” table (TrueType font) 468                                        Duplex entry 580
viability (multimedia objects) 757-758                                  FitWindow entry 578
View entry                                                              HideMenubar entry 578
    collection dictionary 590                                           HideToolbar entry 578
View entry (optional content usage dictionary) 381, 383                 HideWindowUI entry 578
                                                                        NonFullScreenPageMode entry 578
View event type (usage application dictionary) 382-384,
                                                                        NumCopies entry 581
                                                                        PickTrayByPDFSize entry 580
View intent (optional content) 365, 368, 376                            PrintArea entry 579
ViewArea entry (viewer preferences dictionary) 579                      PrintClip entry 580
ViewClip entry (viewer preferences dictionary) 579                      PrintPageRange entry 581
viewconsumerer applications, PDF                                        PrintScaling entry 580
    font management 387                                                 ViewArea entry 579
viewer applications, PDF                                                ViewClip entry 579
    annotation handlers, standard 605                                ViewerPreferences entry (document catalog) 139, 577,
    annotation icons, predefined appearances for 621, 636,                  1031
        638-639                                                      viewing of documents 41
    annotations, scaling and rotation of 610                            document window, size and positioning of 578
    articles, navigation facilities for 596                             embedded fonts, copyright restrictions on 465
    chained actions, execution of 648                                   glyph widths in 1109
    color separations, previewing of 970                                output medium, dialog with user on 478
    compatibility, cross-platform 43-44                                 page boundaries 579
    compatibility, version 1095-1130                                    page mode 140, 578
    date strings 606                                                    version compatibility 1095

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