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   character encoding 425-426, 996                                 writing mode (fonts) 395-396, 439-440
   Code Page 932 444                                                  and character spacing 398
   Code Page 936 442                                                  CMaps, specified by 441, 449
   Code Page 949 445                                                  horizontal scaling independent of 400
   Code Page 950 443                                                  leading independent of 400
   Code Page 1252 996                                                 simple fonts, horizontal only in 412
   directories 661, 1119                                              text matrix, adjustment of 410
   file names 181, 660, 711                                           text rise independent of 403
   font names 418                                                     and TJ operator 408
   Graphics Device Interface (GDI) 43                                 and word spacing 399
   LOGFONT structure 418                                           writing mode (Tagged PDF) 919
   PATH environment variable 1119                                     LrTb 919
   ShellExecute function 1116                                         RlTb 919
   TrueType® font format 418, 429                                     TbRl 919
   WNetGetConnection function 180                                  writing systems
Wipe transition style 599-600                                         Arabic 890, 919
Wireframe 3D render modes 816                                         Asian 395, 433
WMode entry (CMap dictionary) 440, 449                                Chinese 919
                                                                      Hebrew 890, 919
WNetGetConnection function (Windows) 180
                                                                      Japanese 919
word spacing (Tw ) parameter                                          Latin 425, 460
   Tw operator 988                                                    non-Latin 426, 688
word spacing parameter                                                progression directions 896
   and horizontal scaling 400                                         right-to-left 890-891
   and quotation mark (") operator 407                                Western. See Western writing systems
 394, 397, 399                                                     WritingMode standard structure attribute 896, 916, 919,
   text matrix, updating of 410                                           926, 935
   Tw operator 398                                                 WS entry (additional-actions dictionary) 651
workflow 34, 259, 962, 970, 972, 978, 1127                         WS trigger event (document) 651
World Wide Web                                                     WT standard structure type 907, 911
   accessibility guidelines for 936
   document distribution on 845, 970
   form submission 702-703                                         X
   Linearized PDF and 1022
   PDF specification available on 23                               X entry
   See also                                                            additional-actions dictionary 649, 652
        Web Capture plug-in extension                                  rectilinear measure dictionary 747
World Wide Web Consortium 75, 1158                                 X trigger event (annotation) 649, 651-652, 665
   Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS2) Specification            X.509 Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate
        1158                                                               Status Protocol—OCSP (Internet RFC 2396) 739,
   Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 706, 937, 1158                     1156
   Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 1.0 893, 1158              X.509 public-key certificate 128
   HTML 4.01 Specification 663, 1158                               XFA (XML Forms Architecture) 722-724
   Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification 1124,              compatibility with PDF form fields 724
        1158                                                           configuration information 722
   Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL                  form data 722
        2.0) 1158                                                      form template 722
   Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 936, 1158                      packets 673, 722
   XHTML 1.0—The Extensible Hypertext Markup                           XFA resource 673, 722
        Language 1158                                              XFA entry (interactive form dictionary) 673, 722, 724,
WP entry (additional-actions dictionary) 651                               1117
WP standard structure type 907, 911                                XFA Scripting Object Model (SOM) 724
WP trigger event (document) 651                                    XFA Specification (Adobe Technical Note) 724

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