I am using evaluation version of AutoCAD to PostScript Converter to see if it can be utilized for our customer. The use case is that converting dwg file to ps in a batch mode and print the ps file to wide format printer.
I ran the command as follows to generate the post script file, but it seems the command automatically set the paper size to letter (612*792).
>dwg2vec.exe sample.dwg C:\temp\test.ps
I want to print the ps file without scaling to fit for standard paper size. Is there any way not to modify the image size when creating the ps?
You can use following parameters to change width and height to output PS files,
-width <int> : set width, unit is point
-height <int> : set height, unit is point
For example,
dwg2vec.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\test.dwg C:\out.ps
can you work fine with -width and -height parameters?
Thanks for your reply.
I assume that I need to figure out the actual image size of .dwg file to specify the width/height options for the command. Do you have any idea to get the image size from dwg? or do you have a command to obtain it?
Our dwg2vec can't retrieve the paper size from DWG format at the moment, we are planning add this function into the next version of DWG to Vector Converter product.