We are near the end of a project to convert PDF using XSL/FO and have encountered a problem with some of our EMF graphics in the FO output. We are hoping our FO provider can supply a fix, but in the event they cannot we are running a test using EMF2VEC to convert the EMF to PDF. While the PDF graphics look acceptable, the watermark is intrusive enough that our QA department will not be able to approve this design. We were wondering if you could supply us with either a temporary license or a non-watermarked version we could use for testing, with the understanding that if we do decide to go into Production with your product we will purchase it?
Thank you,
The demo watermark is included in trial version only, after you purchased it, the demo watermark will be removed automatically.
We haven't another trial version which without demo watermark, please understand.
Thanks for your response.
In order for us to make a purchase decision, we need to be able to evaluate the quality of our EMF graphics converted to PDF. We have seen with other products and approaches that some components of the graphics are either missing or not displayed correctly. With the watermark in your product overwriting portions of the output, we can't tell clearly if the components of the graphics are missing or it's just that the watermark is obscuring it.
We would really appreciate a temporary license. Can you please forward our request to a manager in your company that has the authority to make this type of decisions? We would be happy to explain our situation.
We haven't a temporary license for evaluation purpose, sorry for this matter.
However, you can increase the value for "-height" parameter to avoid the contents be coverted by demo watermark, for example,
emf2vec.exe -width 800 -height 2000 C:\test0001.emf C:\test0001.pdf
after you convert your EMF file to PDF file, you will able to see all contents in output PDF file, you can check every objects in resultant PDF file easily.
If you encounter an EMF file which can't be converted to PDF file by our emf2vec.exe application, please email that EMF file to us, after we checked your EMF file, we will figure out a solution to you asap.
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