I am trying to convert a webpage which include a lot of flash objects (it is a reporting tool) to PDF.
But I only get empty white boxes with a red cross on my page. Can you please tell me what to do to solve this?
htmltools.exe -script -activex -bwidth 1200 "http://www.productivitydashboard.com/productivitydashboard/reports/print_report.php?cache_id=78288" "%CD%\dashboard_pdf.pdf"
htmltools.exe can't support the flash in web page, however, you can download our docPrint Pro v5.0 from following web page to try, docPrint Pro v5.0 can convert HTML file + Flash objects to PDF file,
after you installed it, you can run following command line to convert your HTML + Flash to PDF file,
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i "http://www.productivitydashboard.com/productivitydashboard/reports/print_report.php?cache_id=78288" -o "%CD%\dashboard_pdf.pdf" -l 30000 -s ShowHTMLStatusBar=1