I'm currently trying PDFStamp CommandLine version. The goal is to put a text barring the page in full diagonal.
The text should be passed as "variable" if possible in a batch file, to automatically process the files and customize them for every reader in a list.
I'm limited by the line width. I feel that the width correspond to the one of a horizontal line, wich is rotated. So is there a way to have a longer width corresponding to the diagonal length?
Thank you very much,
Thanks for your messag,e you can use “-lw” parameter to set the line width to line stamp, for example,
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o stamp-line1.pdf -al -lineex 100,100,200,200 -LW10 -C#FF0000
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o stamp-line2.pdf -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200 -C#00FF00
Thank you for the answer,
but probably did I poorly explain the problem.
The "-lw" is not intended to work with text line, only graphics. I would like to increase the text length that I would like to put on a diagonal.
For instance, if I use
pdfstamp.exe -PDF test1.pdf -O test1STAMP.pdf -AT "This is my text in diagonal and I can extend it as much as I want and up to the full diagonal of my page" -P7 -R55 -OPACITY40
I cannot actually write on the full diagonal but only about half the diagonal, wich correspond to the horizontal length of my page. So I get two lines that do not fill the diagonal.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you, we are understand your problem completely now.
Yes, this is a problem in the current version of PDFStamp Command Line product, the current version of PDFStamp Command Line product can’t calculate the length of rotated text string correctly, so it will swap the text string automatically. This is a minor problem, after you purchased the PDFStamp Command Line product, please email to us your Order ID, we will ask our engineer to work on this problem and provide a new version to you shortly.
By the way, do you intend to allow .eps files to be processed as images? Or directly a .pdf page that could be defined as layer and automatically put into the file?
.eps files should be more "Adobe compliant" than .png or .tiff for the resulting .pdf and also more easily processed by the machine afterwards.
Sorry, PDFStamp Command Line doesn't support EPS and PDF formats as stamp, however, we have a solution to support EPS and PDF formats as stamp, we will send an email for the details to you shortly.
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