Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
we want to use PDFPrint (Commandline) to print PDF-Files on printers and plotters.
1.) In the documentation there is no possibility to print to the output format A0, A1 and A2, all in "Oversize"
Please tell me, which parameter(s) i have to use.
Here any testfiles:
(See attached file: A0.PDF)(See attached file: A1.PDF)(See attached file: A2.PDF)
2.) Watermark
Is it possible to define the possition of the watermark-text?
We test it with this parameters:
pdfprint.exe -printer "\\uamstprn1\QAMST140" -paper 66 -wtext "TESTSFA" -wa 90 -wh 20 -wx 10 -wy 10 -wc FF0000 -xoffset 100 -yoffset 100 -printermargins -pdforient 4 -scalex 0 -scaley 0 a2.pdf
Please inform me about your solutions - Thank you
With best regards
>>1.) In the documentation there is no possibility to print to the output format A0, A1 and A2, all in "Oversize"
You can run following command lines to print your PDF file with A0, A1 or A2 paper size,
Size Height x Width (mm) Height x Width (in)
4A0 2378 x 1682 mm 93.6 x 66.2 in
2A0 1682 x 1189 mm 66.2 x 46.8 in
A0 1189 x 841 mm 46.8 x 33.1 in
A1 841 x 594 mm 33.1 x 23.4 in
A2 594 x 420 mm 23.4 x 16.5 in
A3 420 x 297 mm 16.5 x 11.7 in
A4 297 x 210 mm 11.7 x 8.3 in
A5 210 x 148 mm 8.3 x 5.8 in
A6 148 x 105 mm 5.8 x 4.1 in
A7 105 x 74 mm 4.1 x. 2.9 in
A8 74 x 52 mm 2.9 x 2.0 in
A9 52 x 37 mm 2.0 x 1.5 in
A10 37 x 26 mm 1.5 x 1.0 in
Pdfprint.exe -printer "Your Printer" -paper "1189x841mm" C:\A0.pdf
Pdfprint.exe -printer "Your Printer" -paper "841x594mm" C:\A1.pdf
Pdfprint.exe -printer "Your Printer" -paper "594x420mm" C:\A2.pdf
You can also use "-paper pdf" parameter to retrieve paper size from input PDF file automatically, for example,
Pdfprint.exe -printer "Your Printer" -paper "pdf" C:\A2.pdf
>>2.) Watermark
>>Is it possible to define the position of the watermark-text?
Yes, your command line is right, you can use -wx and -wy parameters to set the position for watermark-text, you can use them to place the watermark text to anywhere that you want,
pdfprint.exe -printer "\\uamstprn1\QAMST140" -paper 66 -wtext "TESTSFA" -wa 90 -wh 20 -wx 10 -wy 10 -wc FF0000 a2.pdf
all I try, it never works correctly!
What I use: HP Designjet 1050, Driver V4.70, Windows VISTA Enterprise + SP2
What I need:
PDF-Files should be printed on various HP plotters (1050, 510, 610) in correct size. To get correct size on plotter means, that you have to use OversizeA0, OversizeA1 and so on.
I tried to use correct size in mm, format=66 for A2, sizes with string like plotter driver shows, I always got A4 and pdf scaled.
If I print A4 to A4, the print is scaled with about 6mm space around (around 95%)
Just one switch causes a changing: with -format=8 the plotter uses A3.
Dou you have a solution for this request?
Second question is positioning of watermark: In which unit does the -wx and -wy switch work?
Is your HP plotters support A0 and A1 paper size? Just for test purpose, we suggest you may run following command lines to print your PDF files to "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" or " Adobe PDF" or other virtual printers to try again, can you get output documents at A0, A1, A2 paper size?
Pdfprint.exe -printer "Adobe PDF" -paper "1189x841mm" C:\A0.pdf
Pdfprint.exe -printer "Adobe PDF" -paper "841x594mm" C:\A1.pdf
Pdfprint.exe -printer "Adobe PDF" -paper "594x420mm" C:\A2.pdf
OR, you can specify paper ID for A2 paper size directly,
Pdfprint.exe -printer "Adobe PDF" -paper 66 C:\A2.pdf
I have tried above command lines in my system just now, I can get A0, A1, A2 PDF files with correct paper size, so I suggest you may run above command lines in your system with other virtual printers to try again, this solution will helpful for you to check if your HP plotters support these paper size or not.
>>Second question is positioning of watermark: In which unit does the -wx and -wy switch work?
The unit of -wx and -wy switch is point, you can convert between inch and point easily, for example,
1 inch = 72 pt
1 inch = 25.4 mm
8.5 inch = 8.5x72 pt = 612 pt = 8.5*25.4 mm = 215.9 mm
11 inch = 11x72 pt = 792 pt = 11*25.4 mm = 279.4 mm