PDF2Word 3.0


Issue: when running the command line conversion from PDF to Word, the orientation of the page (landscape or portrait) is nto preserved.

It seems the output is portrait no matter what the input is.

Is there a fix for it?
Here are the parameters we are using:

PDF2Word.exe -q -m -f 1 -l 1 -i <INPUT FILE HERE> -o <OUTPUT FILE HERE>

Thank you!

We have tried following command line just now,
"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PDF2Word v3.0\pdf2word.exe" -i D:\temp4\Landscape.pdf -o D:\temp4\Landscape.doc

It will create a DOC file like in attachment, we hoping this converted DOC file will reach your requirement.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

Thank you!

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3 Replies to “PDF2Word 3.0

  1. i very need chance file .pdf to .doc but because of poor , i can’t buy it . please help me !

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  2. This software looks good, do you have a plan to provide the discount coupon?

    Also, is this software support French and German characters in my scanned TIFF document?

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