Dear Support,
Recently we have some problems in a process that uses pdfcamp printer driver.
Our customer uses PDFcamp for converting mailmerged MSWord documents into PDF documents. This was running on a few pc's without any major issues.
But recently a project was launched to use the whole process in a more automated way. Therefore the process was moved from WindowsXP pc's to a Microsoft Terminal Server 2003. During tests everything seemed to run fine.
But when using the new process in production, some of the PDF files are created without any content (size is 0kb) and some are created only partly. For example a 4 pages wide document has the first page printed completely, the second one in the first 25% of the page, the third approx 10% and the fourth page for 50%. The upper part is printed just normally, but the lower part is just a nice white page ....
The process sends approximately 500 MSWord documents in 30-40 minutes to the pdfcamp driver. Before "printing" each document the settings for pdfcamp are set directly in the registry.
Is such an issue already know to you?
Do you have any idea what can cause this issue?
Do you have any suggestion to avoid this issue?
If you need any further information or have some questions, you can contact me.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Hi support,
We were able to solve this issue ourselves and want to inform you about the solution.
A VB6 tool performs mailmerge in Winword and uses PDFcamp to generate PDF files from the generated documents in batch.
Some PDF files are empty (0kb) and some PDF miss content (last part of a page).
The first files (approx. 10-12) are added quite fast to the spooler.
The following jobs are added to the spooler and processed immediately. The generated PDF files from these jobs are all OK.
The first 10-12 jobs are processed very slow in the meanwhile. Some jobs generate correct and complete PDF files, some have missing parts.
A few jobs added later to the queue by the VB tool are processed quite slow as well (no clue why...).
We now monitor the printer spooler in the VB6 tool and if a treshold is reached (currently using 5 jobs), then the tool waits a second and tries again. This way there are never more than 5 jobs in the printer queue. They are all processed according the First-In-First-Out concept and all processed correctly.
So it seems that the issue (empty and incomplete PDF files) was caused by the fact that PDFcamp was stressed too much and couldn't handle this.
I hope this information helps you in further version of the PDFcamp driver. Or you can help other customers if the same issue or a similar issue is reported.
Best regards,
Thanks for your message, we suggest you may convert your DOC files to PDF files one by one, please don't convert more DOC files to PDF files at one time, can you work better if you convert just one DOC file to PDF file at one time?