We have no problem in running the PDFPrint.exe file, attached herewith Debug file "debug.txt", The problem is in running the VeryPDF_PDFPrint function from the pdfprintsdk.dll, It seems that PowerBuilder cannot open the DLL file, What the deference between the old dll and the new one?
The new pdfprintsdk.dll and old pdfprintsdk.dll files haven't too much difference, if your PowerBuilder cannot open the DLL file, it is indicate your PowerBuilder can't found the DLL Library, we suggest you may compile your PowerBuilder code to an EXE application first, copy this EXE to the folder where pdfprintsdk.dll, cimage.dll, GdiPlus.dll files exist, run your EXE from this folder by manual, your EXE will able to load pdfprintsdk.dll library correctly, we hoping this solution will helpful to you, please give it a try.
I did as you said and the problem solved thank you,
I need the DLL return code table, the DLL returned -2 code and I don't know what it's mean.
Thanks for your message, please refer to following error code which returned by PDFPrint SDK function,
int WINAPI VeryPDF_PDFPrint(LPCTSTR lpCommand)
Return values:
0: Print PDF file successfully.
-10: PDFPrint Library is damaged.
-11: Something is wrong in the command line options.
-101: Can't start "spooler" service, please start "spooler" service from Service Manager by manual.
-4: Can't locate specify printer in this computer.
-12: Can't open specify printer.
-13: Something is wrong when set options to printer.
-5: No input PDF file for printing.
9: Password Required to open this PDF file.
Other values: Something is wrong during render PDF file.
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