We are using PdfStamp from the command line on two clients and one of them found an strange error with your software.
pdfstamp.exe usually works fine, without problems, but with some files, when we try to stamp information, all the previous contents of the PDF file were deleted.
I can give you an example:
1. This is the original pdf, before I tried to stamp the contents
2. This is the result after applying pdfstamp
Command line parameters are the these:
-PDF "#FileName#" -AI C:\SelloES.gif -Opacity66 -P3 -W60 -H60 -MLR-15 -MTB30
-PDF "#FileName#" -AT "XXXXXXXX\nXXXXXXXX\nNúmero: 80/2011\nFecha: 19/05/2011 Hora: 12:39\nCSV: 28280IDOC10000D853000120DBA1
I have found the problem... the pdf file was protected with a password and changes wasn't allowed.
Thanks for your great information.