Good Afternoon.
We are testing verypdf sof to convert rtf to PDf.
The input file is texto1.rtf
I have been making some tests, but the Output pdf is not the same layout as the rtf input file, for example:
-In the rtf file there is the following text: N/Referencia TRE-0023-023037/0.
-In the PDf file, there is the following test:
Also, the upper left date is cutted in the PDF file.
As you may see, it is not the same leyout.
My question is how do i have to config the program to obtain the PDF with the same layout as the rtf file?
In the zip attached file, i send the files that i am using.
The command line is: htmltools.exe -width 612 -height 792 -emfheight 792 -margin 10x10x10x10 texto1.rtf texto1.pdf
I'll buy this product if you can help me get it to convert word doc files to pdf.
The first example fails with a .doc file. The second words with a .rtf file.
I'm running this on a windows 7 computer.
C:\htmltools.exe -margin 100x100x100x100 example.doc ex.pdf
You have 294 time to evaluate this product, you may purchase a full version from
Conversion time = 0ms
C:\Users\My Documents\apps\htmltools\htmltools\example.doc ==> C:\Use
rs\My Documents\apps\htmltools\htmltools\ex.pdf, result=ERROR
TickCount = 0ms(0.00s), Result = 0
C:\htmltools.exe -margin 100x100x100x100 example.rtf ex.pdf
You have 293 time to evaluate this product, you may purchase a full version from
Conversion time = 874ms
C:\Users\My Documents\apps\htmltools\htmltools\example.rtf ==> C:\Use
rs\My Documents\apps\htmltools\htmltools\ex.pdf, result=OK
TickCount = 874ms(0.87s), Result = 1
Htmltools.exe is support the simple RTF file only, it can't convert complicated DOC and RTF files which created by MS Word application to PDF files properly, however, we suggest you may download our DOC to Any Converter from following page to try, DOC to Any Converter can convert from any DOC and RTF files to PDF files correctly, DOC to Any Converter is a professional product to convert MS Office files to PDF files, it is work better than Htmltools.exe application,
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