TXT to PDF multiple files via command line?

We want to be able to use the command line of txt2pdf to convert multiple files c:\test\file*.txt  is this possible with either the free version or the commercial version?
It works perfectly for one file
C:\test>txt2pdf.exe "C:\test\file001.txt" "C:\test\file001.pdf" -plm20 -prm20 -ptm20 -pbm20 -pfs9 -pfn200
but nothing happens with
C:\test>txt2pdf.exe "C:\test\file*.txt" "C:\test\file*.pdf" -plm20 -prm20 -ptm20 -pbm20 -pfs9 -pfn200

If we can get this to work we would happy to buy it.
You can run following command line to try,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.doc) do "C:\VeryPDF\txt2pdf.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf" -plm20 -prm20 -ptm20 -pbm20 -pfs9 -pfn200

So txt2pdf does not handle multiple files directly?
I did not get what you suggestd to work but a variation seems to work. I had to put the extra % for it to work in a batch file.  If this the best way?  I am going to test this now with the 5,000 files I have to do.
for %%f in (stmt*.txt) do txt2pdf.exe "%%f" -plm35 -prm5 -ptm12 -pbm12 -pfs9 -pfn200
>>So txt2pdf does not handle multiple files directly?


>>I did not get what you suggestd to work but a variation seems to work.
>>I had to put the extra % for it to work in a batch file.  If this the best way? 
>>I am going to test this now with the 5,000 files I have to do.

In the .bat file, please use %% to instead of one single % characters, such as,
for %%f in (stmt*.txt) do txt2pdf.exe "%%f" -plm35 -prm5 -ptm12 -pbm12 -pfs9 -pfn200

yes, this is a best way to process so much files.


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