Good Afternoon,
I am trying to use the VeryDoc PDF to Vector DLL on a server to convert from PDF to PS but it is not working.
So far I have been able to get the DLL to work on most computers including my own. However on a server we need to use the DLL just returns -999.
The only difference I can spot between the computers this works on, to those it doesn’t. Is that on the computers where the DLL works a Printer is created called VeryDoc PDF Printer? But on the server this is not being created.
I have noticed that the printer specifies the driver that it uses as MS Publisher Colour Printer. But I cannot create this manually on the server as I do not have MS Office installed.
Could you let me know how to get this DLL to work on the server? I suspect it is due to the printer not being created because the Driver does not exist, but I cannot be 100% sure.
Products Name: PDF to Vector Converter
OS: Windows Server 2003 SP2
We suggest you may download PDF to Vector Converter Command Line version from following URL,
please launch a CMD window by administrator privilege, run following command line in CMD window,
pdf2vec.exe C:\test.pdf C:\
pdf2vec.exe will install the MS Publisher Colour Printer automatically, after you get pdf2vec.exe work in CMD window, please run your code to call PDF to Vector DLL on your server again, we hoping you will get it work on your server.
Also, it is good if you can run PDF to Vector DLL from administrator user account instead of Local System user account, because administrator user account has more privileges than Local System user account.
Hi, thanks for your reply.
I have tried the below by downloading the CMD version and running this
as an admin but it has not worked, I keep seeing the error below in a
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click OK to
terminate the application.
I have full admin permissions on this server, but am not able to get
this to run, are you aware of any other method I could use to make this
Please turn off DEP for "pdf2vec.exe" application to try again, please refer to following steps about how to turn off DEP in your system,
1. Click "Start"
2. Select "Control Panel"
3. Select "System"
4. Click the "Advanced" tab
5. In the "Performance" region select "Settings"
6. Click the "Data Execute" tab in the dialog box that opens
7. Select "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except for those I select"
8. Click "Add"
9. The open dialog box will open. Browse and select "pdf2vec.exe" application in your computer,
10. Click "Open"
11. Click "Apply"
12. Click "Ok"
13. Reboot
OK, you can run "pdf2vec.exe" without any problem now, please to try.
i’ve been testing your pdf2vec commandline tool. All works fine on my Windows 7 x64 workstation, but crashes on the Server 2008 R2 x64 SP1.
Getting: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click OK to
terminate the application.
Ans YES i’ve been trying your tip with disabling DEP for pdf2vec.exe, but still getting the same exception. Even after 2 reboots.
Any other hint? I do have version 2.0 (trial downloaded from your site).
Thank you for any help. Considering to buy it, but have to work 🙁
Pavel Hromadka
Please turn off DEP for both pdftoolsdk.dll and pdf2vec.exe files to try again, this may solve this problem to you.