2 Questions About PDF Stamper

Dear Folks At Very PDF Stamper,

I am almost finished with an 85 page E-Book and I will be buying 2 Licenses of PDF Stamper for use of 2 computers.

Please see the attached scanned page from the WordTracker book I bought that I’ve sent to you which shows what I want to do—and want to know if I can do it in my E-Book with your PDF Stamper product.

I have 2 questions I need answers for:

1.  I want to stamp “Prepared Exclusively For (Customer Name) as has been done as shown in the lower right-hand corner.
Question:  Will PDF Stamper allow me to stamp outside the margins that were set when the document was created or can I only
apply the stamp inside the margins set when the document was created?

2.  Please notice that I have “stamped” my name alone, Tomas West, —without the words “Prepared Exclusively For”—in the extreme
left-hand “gutter” margin.
Question:  Will PDF Stamper allow me to  stamp “Prepared Exclusively For (Customer Name) in the lower right-hand corner as
shown and stamp just the customer’s name—3 times as shown and without “Prepared Exclusively For”—in the “gutter
margin” and allow me to do that while only having the customer type in his name 1 time?

This is extremely important and I sincerely  hope this configuration can be achieved.

Your anticipated response is sincerely appreciated.

Please feel free to hit “Reply” and type your answers directly after/next to my questions if that is convenient for you.

Thanks for your message, but we don’t very understand your meaning for above two items, is it possible for you to create a sample PDF file which include above two text stamps? After we checked your stamped PDF file, we will figure out a solution to you asap, is this okay to you?

You can use our PDFStamper or Adobe Acrobat to insert the text stamp into your PDF file, then you can create a demo PDF file easily.

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