Thanks for your reply.
A few more words on what I am trying to do:
We run Intersystems Cache, the process that is issuing the html2pdf command is running under a service running as SYSTEM
I read the documentation in solution 3
I made the requested changes in local policies and restarted the server.
I tried the Lsrunas approach
When Lsrunas is run as administrator, including the administrator password, it works fine from the desired process.
When Lsrunas is run a normal user, it does not work.
It is really out of the question to run batch files on the server with a clear text administrator password.
I tried the docprint_server approach.
Logged on as administrator, I issued a docprint_client command (NOWAIT) from the original folder where the software was unzipped.
That worked.
I copied the client to the system32 folder and issued the command from a different folder, still logged in as administrator.
The docprint_client exited successfully, but nothing happened.
I issued that same command, this time WAIT, and the process waiting for a long time until I closed it manually.
I understand that there must be a simple solution for this but I did not find where it is documented.
I understand that the docprint_server must be capable of running a service as ADMINISTRATOR but this too I did not find where documented.
Your following solution is good,
I tried the Lsrunas approach
When Lsrunas is run as administrator, including the administrator password, it works fine from the desired process.
When Lsrunas is run a normal user, it does not work.
It is really out of the question to run batch files on the server with a clear text administrator password.
OK, I think you can use Lsrunase to instead of Lsrunas, Lsrunase can use encrypted password as parameter, it is more security than Lsrunas, please download Lsrunase from following page to try,
if you don't want to use Lsrunase, you can configure MS Word run under Interactive User's Account, please refer to following web page for more information,
"How to configure Microsoft Word and Excel to run under Interactive User's Account"
if you still can't get it work, please feel free contact me, I will assist you asap.