I am a software developer, Our team is considering to use your product for converting Postscript files to Image. My question is :- Do I have the flexibility and option for setting , or changing output page settings – like Size , rotation , offsetting, cropping, changing color to gray scale or black and white, etc?
Let me know , or provide me with document that shows me how these things are possible.
Thank you.
Our ps to image conversion application has options to change image’s size, DPI, cropping, changing color to gray scale or black and white, etc. functions, but it hasn’t rotation and offsetting functions that you required, however, if you need these functions, we can development them to you add additional cost,
Please refer to command line options in ps2img.exe at below,
PS To Image Converter Copyright (C) 2000-2008 verypdf.com Inc
Convert PS (Postscript) and EPS to TIF, TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, WMF, EMF, PCX, TGA, etc. formats
Web: https://www.verypdf.com
Web: http://www.verydoc.com
Email: support@verypdf.com
Release Date: Jun 11 2009
Usage: ps2img [options] <-i PS File> [-o Output]
-i [input PS file] : Input PS filename
-o [output TIF file] : Output TIFF filename
-g : Convert to 8-bit grayscale image file, this option
is only available while bitcount equal 8 (-b 8)
-m : Set output to multi-page TIFF file, the
default is output to single page TIFF files
-r [resolution] : Set resolution in generated image files
-r 300 : Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 300 DPI
-r 200x300 : Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 200x300 DPI
-r 204x98 : Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 204x98 DPI
-f [first Page] : First page to convert
-l [last Page] : Last page to convert
-c [compress] : Set compression method in generated image
files(for tif only)
-c none : Create TIFF file without compression
-c lzw : Compress TIFF using LZW arithmetic
-c jpeg : Compress TIFF using JPEG arithmetic
-c packbits : Compress TIFF using packbits arithmetic
-c g3 : Compress TIFF using CCITT G3 arithmetic
-c g4 : Compress TIFF using CCITT G4 arithmetic
-c ClassF : Compress TIFF into Fax compatible ClassF 204x98 format
-c ClassF196 : Compress TIFF into Fax compatible ClassF 204x196 format
-q [quality] : Set quality in created image files(for jpeg image only)
-t : Enable transparent background
-b [bit count] : Set bit count in generated image files
-a : Call ghostscript to convert postscript to image files
-e : Append suffix to single page image file (out0001.jpg)
-# : Set your License Key
-? : Help
ps2img -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif
ps2img -i C:\input.eps -o C:\output.tif
ps2img -m -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif
ps2img -c lzw -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif
ps2img -q 80 -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.jpg
ps2img -b 4 -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif
ps2img -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif -b 1 -c ClassF -r 204x98 -m
ps2img -f 1 -l 9 C:\input.ps -o C:\output.jpg
ps2img -i C:\*.ps -o C:\*.pcx
ps2img "-#" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif Press any key to continue...
Thank you for your reply – I appreciate that.
Do you have a Windows 64-bit version of VeyDoc? Let me know
Our ps2img.exe can be run on 64bit system without any problem, please run it on your 64bit system to try, if you encounter any problem, please feel free to let us know.
How about the Img2Pdf or Image to Text, doe that work too?
ps2img.exe hasn't Image2PDF and Image2TXT functions, you need use following products to implement these functions,
Image2PDF Command Line product which can convert image files to PDF files,
PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line which can convert scanned PDF and Image files to text files,
Thank you for the response, but I don't get it. Which one of the tools are Windows 64-bit processor?
Our ps2img.exe and Ps2TXT.exe are all support Windows 64-bit processor, you can run them on your 64bit system without any problem.