Dash line problem in PCL to PDF Converter

I am writing to enquire about “PCL Converter”.
We have a process within our ERP, which generates a PCL file and sends it to the printer.
We would like to read this PCL file and turn it into a PDF file.
One of the prerequisites is that this should be done automatically, without user intervention, using the command line.

We would like to evaluate the tool "PCL Converter" and know the cost of the tool.
Thanks for your message, our PCL Converter is USD125 per license, you can download and purchase it from our website directly,


Would like to know if we could install this version on our server, that will be used by ERP !
USD125 price is the end user license, it can't be used on a server, if you wish use it on your server, you need purchase server license, the cost of PCL Converter Server License is USD795 per srever, you can purchase it from our website directly,


Thanks for reply.

We find a problem, using your solution.
Please, see the image bellow; the vertical lines highlighted in red, should be continuous and not dashed.
When we send the same PCL file to the printer, the document is generated correctly.

Sorry, i was on vacation, returned today.
We don’t have Order ID, because I have not bought the product.
I am sending a PCL file sample for your review.

We can see dash lines in your PCL file too, please refer to following screenshot, can you double check the lines in your PCL file carefully?

We cannot identify the error, because when we send the PCL to the printer, the document is printed correctly.
Dashed vertical lines in the printout, are normal (not hatched).
Only when using the PCL to PDF converter is that vertical lines are dashed.

Maybe your printer has a special font to render the dash lines, our PCL Converter does use Windows font to render the dash lines, so it will show them as dash lines, this is normal.
However, we will reseach this problem continue, we will let you know as soon as we have any finding on this problem, thanks for your patience.

Thank you!
By the way, you could send a formal business proposal for us, to send our CEO, to approve the purchase of software ?
Thanks for your message, I have created an invoice to you, please look at it in attachment.

We use the Software through Remote Desktop (our ERP runs through the Remote Desktop), and the following problem occurred:

There is some limitation to the operating system, help us ?
Please turn off DEP for "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\pcltool.exe" application to try again, please refer to following steps about how to turn off DEP in your system,

1. Click "Start"
2. Select "Control Panel"
3. Select "System"
4. Click the "Advanced" tab
5. In the "Performance" region select "Settings"
6. Click the "Data Execute" tab in the dialog box that opens
7. Select "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except for those I select"
8. Click "Add"
9. The open dialog box will open. Browse and select "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\pcltool.exe" application in your computer,
10. Click "Open"
11. Click "Apply"
12. Click "Ok"
13. Reboot

OK, you can run "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\pcltool.exe" without any problem now, please to try.

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