I'm using Advanced pdf tools v2.0 now, how do I make my pdf file smaller? I tried optimize, but it won't change anything.
In case you wish compress your PDF file, you are able to download Advanced PDF Tools Command Line product from our web site, Advanced PDF Tools Command Line product may be employed to compress PDF file,
following you download and unzip it to a folder, it is possible to simple run following command line to compress your PDF file,
pdfcompress.exe -i C:\test.pdf -o C:\out.pdf
pdfcompress.exe is included in "Advanced PDF Tools Command Line v3.0" package, if you don't know how to use pdfcompress.exe, please look at PDF Compress Command Line User Manual at this web page,
furthermore, our PDF Optimizer could be utilized to compress PDF file too, it is possible to download PDF Optimizer from following URL,
following you download and unzip it to a folder, you are able to run following command line to optimize and compress your PDF file,
pdfopt.exe -mode 4 test.pdf out.pdf
you can also use VeryDOC PDF Compressor to compress your PDF files, VeryDOC PDF Compressor does support JBIG2 and JPEG2000 compression methods, it can compress images in your PDF files smaller enough,
should you encounter any issue with above software, please feel free let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.