A few months ago, we purchased you’re HTMLTools.exe and have been using it to convert HTML->PDF. The tool has worked great for the most part. However, we notice that after some usage, (daily now, as we have grown in size), the application appears to skew the results. I have attached an example HTML.pdf document and the results are squished. (also see email chain below for a side by side example)
As of yet, our solution has been to restart the server and things reset back to normal.
To give you a little background.. I host a “ConvertFile” web service. Below is the source code we use to use your tool. Can you let us know if this is a known issue, or if we are using an incorrect switch statement in the command? Or is there an updated version of the software?
We need to find a fix for this, or I am going to need to look for an alternative solution. I would prefer to not have to change my code and just fix what I have built already.
Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you.
I have tried following command line, it does convert your HTML file to PDF file correctly,
htmltools.exe -nocenter -width 612 -height 792 -emfheight 792 D:\temp\ComplianceEase.html D:\temp\ComplianceEase.html.pdf
please look at attached PDF file, everything is fine in this PDF file.
Just for checking, can you convert your HTML file to PDF file correctly when you run the conversion in CMD window by manual?