I need a list of all the possible error codes that can be returned from PDFToImageConverter

I need a list of all the possible error codes that can be returned from PDFToImageConverter.
Specifically, I am getting the value 2 returned when trying to convert a couple PDFs.
PDFToImageConverter does return following error codes,

//Return 0 is indicate the conversion success,
//Return -1 is indicate the parameters error,
//Return 1 is indicate the "File open error" or "Invalid PDF file",
//Return 2 is indicate the "Open Password-protected PDF file"
//Other values are indicate an unknown error,

The error is 2, but the PDF file is not password protected. Any ideas?
I tried passing both NULL, and empty string in the password parameters, but still got error 2.

Please email to us your sample PDF file in question, after we checked your sample PDF file, we will figure out a solution to you asap.

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