I need to concat generated PCL by your SDK with PCL generated by my ERP system

I need to concat generated PCL by your SDK with PCL generated by my ERP system(a production order). The idea is print production order with drawing(your PCL) in verse of the sheet.
It's work fine on PCLs generated by previous version of your SDK.

We execute the procedure above like this:

OP(our PCL) + Breakline(command to print in verse) + Drawing(your PCL)

We do it using files as text.

using the previous version of your SDK is OK. But in new version(COM) don't work.

We use a part of text in your PCL to test and concat. Like this:
_nPos1 := at("E*t600R&l1o1E&l1X&u600D*r0F&l0S&n8WdDefault&l7H&l26a8c1E*p0x0Y*c0t8135x5712Y",xBuffer)
if _nPos1 > 0
xBuffer := SubStr(xBuffer,1,_nPos1-1)+"E*t600R&u600D*r0F&l1o1E&l1S&l0H&l26a8c1E*p0x0Y*c0t8135x5712Y&l1X&a0P"+SubStr(xBuffer,_nPos1+88,len(xBuffer))
_nPos2 := at("E*t600R&l0o1E&l1X&u600D*r0F&l0S&n8WdDefault&l7H&l26a8c1E*p0x0Y*c0t5611x8178Y",xBuffer)
if _nPos2 > 0
xBuffer := SubStr(xBuffer,1,_nPos2-1)+"E*t600R&u600D*r0F&l0o1E&l1S&l0H&l26a8c1E*p0x0Y*c0t5611x8178Y&l1X&a0P"+SubStr(xBuffer,_nPos2+88,len(xBuffer))

and like attached file.

Is possible to generate PCL with new PCL convertor using same default of old version?

I notice which too new version generate a PCLXL file, and old version a PCL file.
I dont know PCL format, but can do it some difference?
Can you please email to us your sample PCL files for checking? After we checked your sample PCL files, we will figure out a solution to you shortly.


in attachment pcl generated by old and new SDK. Old SDK is like we want.

See line in old file:
*t600R &l1o1E &l1X &u600D *r0F &l0S &n8WdDefault &l7H &l26a8c1E *p0x0Y *c0t8135x5712Y *b0M *v1N *v1O *l184O *v6W
Thanks for your sample PCL files, please refer to attached PDF files, these PDF files were converted by our PCL Converter product, these PDF files are look fine, please feel free to let us know if you have any question for these PDF files.

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