I’m currently running a fully licensed version of Image2PDF OCR Command Line v3.2. What is the maximum number of individual TIF images that can be specified to create a PDF. For example can I feed in over 100 individual TIF images. For example,
Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\input1.tf F:\input2.tif…..F:\input100.tif
If there is a limit, does that exist if you read in a folder rather than feed individual TIFs to the command line string?
The length of command line is limited by Windows system, it is maybe not long than 4096 characters.
You can place all TIFF files to a folder, then you can use following command lines to convert all TIFF files from these folders into one PDF file, for example,
1.Convert one folder in to a pdf file:
Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputdir
2.Convert multi folder into a pdf file:
Img2PDF.exe -o F:\output.pdf F:\inputdir1 F:\inputdir2