pdf to vector

Can you please tell me if the text in the attached crater.pdf file can be kept as line strings in an EMF file rather than be broken into single characters ?

The attached presentation pdf file failed to convert to an EMF, the output file reached nearly 2GB, the command line said finished but the output file disappeared.
Can this type of file be converted to EMF with the output file size reasonable ?
Sorry, PDF2Vector product hasn't this function now, the string order is same as your input PDF file, if PDF file contains single characters, the EMF file will contain single characters too. If original PDF file contains line strings, the EMF file will contain line strings too, this matter is depend on your input PDF file.

This PDF file is contain lots of dot lines, these dot lines will increase the file size to output EMF file, however, we can combine these dot lines into the background image, this will decrease EMF file size a lot, is this solution okay to you?

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