PDFcamp driver cannot process Line Width as it should

*  Product's name: PDFcamp Printer (PDF Writer)
*  Product's version number: 2.30
*  Your Operating System: Tested at WinXP, but will use WinXP, Vista, Win7(32bit and 64bit).
*  If you have purchased the software, please contain your Order ID: Not yet.
In the attached file, image on the left is created using PDF Printer and on the right is created using PDFcamp.
It appears as if PDFcamp driver cannot process Line Width as it should.
We are planning to purchase your product if this problem can be resolved.
The product we're planning to purchase is PDFcamp Printer (PDF Writer) Developer License,
and we'd also like to know how to distribute this product to end-users, and then, how to end-user install this product.
Please uninstall PDFcamp Printer v2.3 from your system first, download and install PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 from following URL,


after you installed it, please print your document to PDFcamp Printer, you will get a new PDF file, the lines will become better in new PDF file.

After you purchased the developer license, please email to us your Order ID, we will send the files of PDFcamp Printer to you, you can include these files into your package, then you can install or uninstall PDFcamp Printer from your installer easily.


First of all, Thanks for fast response.
I installed pdfcamp-printer-x64.exe at 32bit windows, it dosn't installed.
I installed at 64bit windows too, it works very good.
so, I have questions.
1. Do you have v2.5 only for 64bit windows? If you have v2.5 for 32bit, I'd like to test again. 2. What is PDFcamp Printer (PDF Writer) Developer License means?  The 32bit and 64bit are different license or one license?

PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 is support both 32bit and 64bit systems, you can install it to both 32bit and 64bit systems without any problem.

Can you please let us know what problem did you encounter on your 32bit system?

Yes, PDFcamp Printer (PDF Writer) Developer License is contain both 32bit and 64bit systems, it is contain v2.5 and x64 v2.5 versions too.

I tested several computers and it(V2.5) was installed well.
But I found one case it was not installed(see attachment).

Other questions,
1. The SaveAs dialog box is shown under the main(working) window at windows 7.
- How to show the SaveAs dialog box topmost?
2. How to hide SaveAs dialog box?
- Set default folder and file name.
- Always overwrite existing file.
3. The V2.5 is not launch the PDF reader.
- How to launch the PDF reader?

>>1. The SaveAs dialog box is shown under the main(working) window at windows 7.
>>   - How to show the SaveAs dialog box topmost?

This is a minor problem, we will try to solve this problem in the next version of PDFcamp Printer, we will let you know after new version is available, thanks for your patience.

>>2. How to hide SaveAs dialog box?
>>   - Set default folder and file name.
>>   - Always overwrite existing file.

You can by following steps to set output filename to PDFcamp Printer,

1. Please run regedit.exe to open registry editor application first,

2. Search "pdfcamp" keyword in registry, set following items to every found item,

AutomaticDirectory=C:\out.pdf   Type is: "REG_SZ"
AutomaticOutput=1               Type is: "REG_DWORD"
AutomaticValue=2                Type is: "REG_DWORD"
AutoView=0                      Type is: "REG_DWORD"

3. OK, save it and exit regedit.exe application.

4. Please open "C:\Program Files\PDFcamp Printer (x64) v2.5\config.ini" file in notepad, set the "EmptyFileNameAfterPrinting" value to "0", save it, when you print a document to PDFcamp Printer, PDFcamp Printer will not clear the "AutomaticDirectory" value in registry,


After you modified all of above values, please print a document to PDFcamp Printer, then you will get a “C:\out.pdf” properly.

>>3. The V2.5 is not launch the PDF reader.
>>   - How to launch the PDF reader?

In above registry items, please set "AutoView=1", when you print a document to PDFcamp Printer, PDFcamp Printer will view the resultant PDF file automatically.



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