Question of Advanced PDF Tools Command Line v3.0

To veryPDF technical support,

I have a question by using your product.

We make pdf that Linearize with "Advanced PDF Tools Command Line v3.0".

When we open this PDF file to use Adobe Acrobat ReaderX (Ver10.1.0), we can not search text.
For example , we input "test" in search text box, Acrobat reader can not search”test”.
When we use PDF file that is not Linearized, Acrobat reader can search “test”.
Is this problem caused by Advanced PDF Tools Command Line v3.0 or Acrobat Reader?

We find

in PDF file.
We think that <000000....>  may not be Good.

Using Product's name : Advanced PDF Tools Command Line v3.0
Product's version number :
Our Operating System : Win7, Windows Server 2008

Thank you very much for your support.
I sent a question the other day .
How much can you investigate?

Please tell an answer or the day to have you reply it.

I send sample PDF file.

This file is a same as attached our first mail.
I have tried to search "test" in your PDF file, I can search it without any problem, please refer to my steps,

1. Open this PDF file in Adobe Reader,
2. Press CTRL+F to active "Find Tool", enter "test" and press Enter,
3. I will see highlight "test" keyword in the PDF page,

Can you work fine by above steps?


Thank you very much for your e-mail.

I Confirm your step is fine.

I may want to confirm it to you.

What is the version of acrobat reader which you use?

Acrobat Reader 8 can serch text, but Acrobat Reader X can not serch text.

Is Acrobat Reader VresionX(10) ?

Can you search the letter except "Test", too?
Yes, I'm using Acrobat Reader 8, I will download and install Acrobat Reader 10 to test this matter shortly.

I can find "test" in your PDF file in Adobe Reader 10 without any problem, please look at following screenshot, the “Test” keyword is highlight,


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