technical question for PDF Stamper (PDF Stamp)

I am a paid user of "very pdf pdf stamper 2.3."
I would like to know if there is any way to adjust Bates numbers on the page beyond the basic -- top center, bottom center, etc -- adjustment.
I.e., I would like to move the numbers over to the left a 1/4" inch or so and up on the page a 1/4" or so. I am using bottom right as my # placement.
I do not see this in the documentation.
Thanks, in advance, for your assistance.
Thanks for your message, you can use “Translate X” and “Translate Y” options to move the text stamp, please refer to following screenshot,


Thanks, I thought that did it, but I was doing bottom right numbering and it moved the numbers off the page. Had trouble entering a negative integer, which I finally figured out.
Nice program.
Can this program put the multiple numbers across a page, like for 8 up numbered tickets.
Yes, of course, you can add any number of stamps to the PDF page, that’s no problem.

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